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01/21/2018 10:45 4EverZenZyg#1
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Haven't really been uploading for the last month, as I don't really have the time anymore. Got so many projects, and I gotta sell a few of them to keep a focus on the ones I make the most on.

Add Skype, or post on thread, and I will PM you.
01/21/2018 11:27 PrinzShinori#2
Pm with price and channel :)
01/21/2018 11:31 Mad0ck#3
pn me with more details . link price and so on
01/21/2018 11:43 4EverZenZyg#4
I've PM'd both of you.
01/21/2018 13:18 theyam#5
pm me with more details pls:)
01/21/2018 13:40 PhilORG#6
PM me with Price and YouTube Link. Pls.
01/21/2018 15:18 xRealize#7
Pn Me with Price and link pls
01/22/2018 00:19 4EverZenZyg#8
I've PM'd all of you
02/08/2018 23:10 Beyyj#9
02/18/2018 02:41 4EverZenZyg#10
Originally Posted by Beyyj View Post

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