4Story FPS Problem !Hilfe!

02/16/2017 15:37 Chris3231495#1

Ich habe mir heute den Client von dem Server p4Story gedownloadet alles ohne Probleme und dann logge ich mich ein und es fängt schon bei der Charakterauswahl stark an zu ruckeln.
Ich habe schon öfter 4Story gespielt aber das ist das erste mal das es so stark ruckelt.

PS. Ich habe einen neuen Rechner mit 16GB DDR4, eine Asus 1060 Strix mit 6GB und ein i7 6700k (Windows 10 Pro)
Eigentlich dürfte es kein bisschen ruckeln :D
02/16/2017 15:49 Exakan#2
Originally Posted by Chris3231495 View Post

Ich habe mir heute den Client von dem Server p4Story gedownloadet alles ohne Probleme und dann logge ich mich ein und es fängt schon bei der Charakterauswahl stark an zu ruckeln.
Ich habe schon öfter 4Story gespielt aber das ist das erste mal das es so stark ruckelt.

PS. Ich habe einen neuen Rechner mit 16GB DDR4, eine Asus 1060 Strix mit 6GB und ein i7 6700k (Windows 10 Pro)
Eigentlich dürfte es kein bisschen ruckeln :D
Windows10 ist das Problem, nicht P4.

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02/16/2017 15:53 NavigatorCreed#3
Originally Posted by SikasyExa View Post

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Maybe the DLL fix problem with 4Story but f*** other games.
It's not the best solution because you need to replace DLL everytime you want to play other game.
02/16/2017 15:55 Exakan#4
Originally Posted by NavigatorCreed View Post
Maybe the DLL fix problem with 4Story but f*** other games.
It's not the best solution because you need to replace DLL everytime you want to play other game.
You are wrong.
P4 have a solution that works already for months that don't have to replaced.
Hundreds of players solved it with this way and have no problem with other games.
02/16/2017 15:56 Chris3231495#5
Thx that helped :D
02/16/2017 16:37 .Konst#6
Originally Posted by SikasyExa View Post
You are wrong.
P4 have a solution that works already for months that don't have to replaced.
Hundreds of players solved it with this way and have no problem with other games.
"P4 has a solution" yea, the same as any other server, just the difference that GameGuard Hackshields block the DLL in the Game Folder, unlike Ahnlab, because it's shit.
02/16/2017 16:58 Exakan#7
Originally Posted by .Konst View Post
"P4 has a solution" yea, the same as any other server, just the difference that GameGuard Hackshields block the DLL in the Game Folder, unlike Ahnlab, because it's shit.
Wow, no thread of P4 without an angry Konst. Seems like you have no other reason in life expect bashing against things of P4.

The difference here is, P4 have the solution much longer (~summer) which works without problems in other games & don't have to be replaced like all the other tutorials out there. So it is impossible here to destroy your own system by replacing XYZ. Also works with new updates.

Problem solved and discussion finished, closerquest.
02/16/2017 17:30 .Konst#8
Originally Posted by SikasyExa View Post
Wow, no thread of P4 without an angry Konst. Seems like you have no other reason in life expect bashing against things of P4.

The difference here is, P4 have the solution much longer (~summer) which works without problems in other games & don't have to be replaced like all the other tutorials out there. So it is impossible here to destroy your own system by replacing XYZ. Also works with new updates.

Problem solved and discussion finished, closerquest.
I wasn't really bashing P4S this time, more Ahnlab. And no, you didn't have a solution up until this dude released the Video on Youtube. All you did was use other peoples information and disguising it as your work.

Originally Posted by SikasyExa View Post
Wow, no thread of P4 without an angry Konst. Seems like you have no other reason in life expect bashing against things of P4.
Well that's quite funny, because I've seen you bashing Araz on Valos Movies videos, which are in no way associated with us.
02/16/2017 19:27 Logtetsch#9
Closing here..