Jordine 58,40 Ranger, 56 Ninja, 56 Tamer, 180CP, 207 EP, 2/4 Boss gear+ Kzarka

09/08/2016 17:38 Quintogi#1
Top Tier account on the EU Server Jordine with 50€ pre-order package

Ranger: LvL 58,40%
Ninja: LvL 56
Tamer: LvL 56

180 Contribution points
207 Energy

Gear in use (Ranger):
TRI Kzarka Longbow
TRI Ultimate Steel Dagger
TRI Ultimate Grunil Helmet
TRI Ultimate Grunil Armor
TRI Bheg´s Gloves
DUO Ultimate Grunil Shoe
2x DUO Witch´s Earring
2x DUO Mark of Shadow
PRI Basilisk Belt
Ogre Ring

Most Important items at Storage:

Some Reblath+14 to do failstacks
Liverto Longbow+14
DUO Giath Helmet
PRI Ultimate Grunil Glove
Awakened Black Spirit Crystal
2x Black Spirit Crystal

1x Tier3
1x Tier2
2x Tier1

Weight Limit and Pearl items on Ranger:
Horse Flute permanent
Acher Costume set (without Weapon)
50€ Pre-order Weapon set
4x (1 Day) Skill Reset
some Furniture at house and inventory
Earrings to get better Knowledge of monsters

Weight Limit and Pearl Items on Tamer:
Horse Flute permanent
Weight Limit 844LT

Weight Limit and Pearl Items on Ninja:
Horse Flute permanent
Karlstein Costume
Weight Limit 1080LT

1x Maid of Transaction
1x Maid of Storage
11 Characters
Most important grindspot nodes: LVL8-10 (Pirates, Sausan, Shadow Knights...)
T6 Horse with instant accel. + Sprint.

I would like to have ~800€ (basis for negotiation)
If you have any Questions or need special informations (screens) add "BlackAurora Sell" at Skype.
09/09/2016 18:52 bamboo111111#2
if u take 70 euro will be god:)
09/09/2016 22:22 jimmo30#3
09/18/2016 01:24 Quintogi#4