11/29/2015 16:03 Royal Shop#1
Hello and welcome to my salesthread, I want to sell accounts that are level 1-20 with Skins on them.

What are they any good for?
- Perfect if you are going to level a smurf and want a nice skin on your main
- Leveling and Resell for slight profit
- Give your friend who is just beginning a headstart

Basic info about the accounts:
- All accounts have unverified email
- 100% as described
- 200% your account after purchase! No1 else have access.
- All accounts cost $1,00 no matter what level/skin. (Silver Kayle, King Rammus, Black Alistar are the only ones who have diffrent price)

When its a skin + another skin it means the skins are on the same account.

If you buy 3 or more skins you only have to pay $0,80 per skin!

Skins I have on EUNE:
Goalkeeper Blitzcrank + Boom Boom Blitzcrank
Assassin Master Yi
Headhunter Master Yi
Annie in Wonderland
Frostfire Annie
FrankenTibbers Annie
Scarlet Hammer Poppy
Ragdoll Poppy
Sultan Tryndamere
Bird of Prey Anivia
Earnest Elf Tristana + Riot trist and alistar
Mythic Cassiopeia
Judgement Kayles
Riot Kayles
Unmasked Kayle
Viridian Kayle + Assassin Master Yi + Mythic Cassiopeia
Fnatic Corki
Masquerade Evelynn
Pirate Ryze + Riot Tristana
Pool Party Lee Sin
Gentlemen Cho'Gath
Freljord Ashe
Queen Ashe + Chosen Master Yi
Red Card Twisted Fate
Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate + Chosen Master Yi

Skins I have on EUW:
Zombie Ryze
FrankenTibbers Annie
Happy Elf Teemo
Curling Veigar.
UFO Corki accs
King Rammus - $10,00
Deadly Kennen + Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath

Skins I have on NA:
UFO Corki accs

Skins I have on RU:
Currently none

+ Tons of more incoming!

For more in-depth info please add me on skype and tell me what skin you want! I will give you info like level, ip, rp, champs etc etc

Payment Methods:
LoL Gifts

Contact me!
Skype - heat_epvp
Email - [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]