[Recruit]~[Mabinogi Online Emulation]~!

12/03/2009 23:31 Hyur#1
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The "Emulator Development" section doesn't seem to get much attention, so I figured why not make a post right here in the "Mabinogi" section as well.

Please click the link above for contact information and details on the project.
Or if you prefer to ask questions here, feel free to ask.

I'm curious, what are the features that you have finished and what are the features that you are currently working on?
As of right now:
  • All equipment works (including equip from the KR Version). However they do not have any stats.
  • We only have one NPC and Monster right now that work without any problems; Nao and the White Spider (despite it being black for some odd reason...)
  • Fighting works, however the mob does not lose HP although it appears too.
  • 5 damage is done constantly.
  • All actions/gestures work fine.
  • Playing music works fine.
  • All skills besides the play music skill do not work at the moment.
  • Going back to point number 3; it does work, however you can stand back as far as you want and hit the mob (meaning you can hit a mob that is 'out of range' from far distances with a sword); so the combat system needs re-coding.
  • Airplanes/Dice work (which I suppose would count as player gestures).
That's all I can think of at the moment.
12/03/2009 23:39 Uncreative.#2
I'll be a beta tester if you need one
And I can also be a GM; tell me if I need to write up an app.
12/03/2009 23:42 Hyur#3
Originally Posted by Uncreative. View Post
I'll be a beta tester if you need one
And I can also be a GM; tell me if I need to write up an app.
The 'Beta-Testing' and 'GM' question have been asked a lot lately.
As of right now, we're not quite at the stage of needing more Beta Testers, or GM's.
When the time comes, I will be sure to let the public know.
12/03/2009 23:45 Kevsprk#4
Will this be open source? Or at least released? This looks amazing so far; good job!
12/03/2009 23:47 Uncreative.#5
Originally Posted by Hyur View Post
The 'Beta-Testing' and 'GM' question have been asked a lot lately.
As of right now, we're not quite at the stage of needing more Beta Testers, or GM's.
When the time comes, I will be sure to let the public know.
I forgot to put it as future GM.. xD
But yeah, just PM me if you need a beta tester :3
12/04/2009 00:13 Hyur#6
Originally Posted by Kevsprk View Post
Will this be open source? Or at least released? This looks amazing so far; good job!
This has also been a question that has been asked a lot.
To the open source question; yes and no.
To gain access, all we ask is that you have some type of experience in C++, and in Coding Game Servers (See 'What We Need:' and 'Applications:')

To the released question; I honestly do not know yet.
My biggest fear is that if it is released, thousands and thousands of Mabinogi Servers will spawn, which at first may seem harmless and fun, but may eventually lead to a downfall. (For example; leaking of files, fighting amongst one another, etc--see MapleStory private server community).
12/04/2009 00:15 Dark Raccoon#7
This is like AntiNexon, just not as far as we are. :O

I'll pm you something. :3
12/04/2009 00:19 Uncreative.#8
Just release the source when nexon shuts you down :P
12/04/2009 00:23 Dark Raccoon#9
Originally Posted by Uncreative. View Post
Just release the source when nexon shuts you down :P
You know, when people were working on the first MapleStory Pserver, there was a guy who said EXACTLY the same. I mean it.
12/04/2009 00:26 Kevsprk#10
Yeah, I remember that xD Same for other servers, like Failscape and such.
12/04/2009 00:27 Hyur#11
Originally Posted by Dark Raccoon View Post
You know, when people were working on the first MapleStory Pserver, there was a guy who said EXACTLY the same. I mean it.
And look where the MapleStory PS community is now. =/
It turned into a ragefest complete with flaming, leaking, and all other types of nonsense.
Its sad to say, but I think MapleStory Private Server development is at its all time low.
12/04/2009 00:45 AKB990#12
Sounds interesting, but I do not know C++ so, I'm out, maybe if you get it in another language ^^;
12/04/2009 00:55 Hyur#13
Originally Posted by AKB990 View Post
Sounds interesting, but I do not know C++ so, I'm out, maybe if you get it in another language ^^;
Sadly this has been the case with most people as well.

(No offense towards you)
12/04/2009 00:58 AKB990#14
Originally Posted by Hyur View Post
Sadly this has been the case with most people as well.

(No offense towards you)
Though, I'd be happy to test things. I've tested a Lunia Emulator, the first MS Emulator and a couple more minor projects. If you make a forum, I have plenty of experience in that area, as well as Management ^_^
12/04/2009 04:07 Uncreative.#15
Also, you might want to think about writing your own ToS so nexon can't shut you down.