USA East 2 account for sell!
Top 50 on leader boards!
- Level 21
- Cheif Major
- 30 million honor
- 10 hangar halls (HAS DEFCOM)
- 34 pilot points
- 25 lf4 (5 lvl 16)
- Full havoc / 9 hercules (Kappa and lambda almost built)
- 10 drones (Full lvl 16)
- Bat, Drill, and Veteran formation a long side all the 2D formations.
- P.E.T level 15 (10 Radar protocols, Kami level 3, Auto looter level 3. Auto-resource collector level 3)
- All goli designs except company and surgeon.
- All soccer designs, all special designs. saturn design!
- selling CHEAP
- To talk and negotiate add AlconsNovember on skype. I can screenshare account.
- 100 USD <3
Top 50 on leader boards!
- Level 21
- Cheif Major
- 30 million honor
- 10 hangar halls (HAS DEFCOM)
- 34 pilot points
- 25 lf4 (5 lvl 16)
- Full havoc / 9 hercules (Kappa and lambda almost built)
- 10 drones (Full lvl 16)
- Bat, Drill, and Veteran formation a long side all the 2D formations.
- P.E.T level 15 (10 Radar protocols, Kami level 3, Auto looter level 3. Auto-resource collector level 3)
- All goli designs except company and surgeon.
- All soccer designs, all special designs. saturn design!
- selling CHEAP
- To talk and negotiate add AlconsNovember on skype. I can screenshare account.
- 100 USD <3