ACME Crafting BOT

07/29/2015 21:30 AcmeCrafting#1
Most awesome crafting bot.

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"New" SB Video vs 2.5* without food:

Old HW 2* Video:

Even older HW video :)

paypal g.c.taveira at gmail dot com
08/01/2015 10:55 Gael77#2
Thank you :)
08/01/2015 19:09 Wilds76#3
Nice and Thanks . will report back if any findings cheers ...
08/02/2015 19:07 Kamigee#4
Great! Will give it a try.
08/02/2015 22:42 AcmeCrafting#5
Here's an updated executable, just place it over the other one. (Main post updated with it)

Fixed Ingenuity bonus for certain item ranges (typed 058 instead of 0.58 - oops).
Guessimated ingenuity a bit better for heavensward (still needs a lot of work)
Improved how information is gotten from the game, the crafting window can be on the background, you can open your inventory, and you can look around, however if you open too many windows it will still lose your crafting window data.
Improved pausing/resuming/stopping.
Small logic improvement.

Working on a last algorithm to just brute force the end stage of crafting instead of writing enormous if conditionals ( much easier for me).
08/03/2015 15:54 Kamigee#6
I'm getting an error when I run the program (in admin mode), it says it can't find the specific file, I'm thinking its because I have my FF14 in a game folder and not the program files folder. Is there anyway I can change the path?

Edit: Figured out the problem, it was my Avast shield blocking it from loading right on my PC, all starts up well now!
08/03/2015 19:00 AcmeCrafting#7
FF14 can be anywhere on your machine, it reads whats current loaded up into the main computer memory(ram).

If the error happens when you open the program it's probably because you're missing the files inside the data folder (they contain recipe/recipebook info), one of the zips on the main post only has the executable, so if you run just that it won't work.

(By the way google chrome is such a over controlling nanny doesnt let me download the file I uploaded.)
08/04/2015 19:19 birdmizzle#8
So this is working pretty well so far. I think the your base formula for what abilities to use is pretty good, it just needs some polish.

It would be good to show exactly what action isn't bound when the error message pops up, currently it just says it can't be unknown. Also when that error pops up, it just keeps attempting over and over, perhaps it could pause at this point until you've set the correct keyboard shortcut and which point I could choose to continue.

I've been using it for spamming mid tier items in the 30s and it's working great. Thanks for putting the time into this.
08/05/2015 02:54 AcmeCrafting#9
Main post updated.

Update broke collectible synthesis, fixed.
A change I did a couple weeks ago caused an error when you had a solution for Normal but not one for Excellent.
08/05/2015 16:44 Kamigee#10
I've come for a little help Acme!
Not sure what I'm doing wrong now, I'm in Dx9 and my recipe list is scaled to 1.0.
Here's what happens, I set up all my hotkeys already, and when I hit start to start the crafting on the bot if just toggles the recipe list on and off repeatedly.

I'm still trying to figure it out, asking here since you might have an idea what i'm doing wrong.

Edit: on the bottom left it says "opening book" that message never goes away.
08/05/2015 23:15 AcmeCrafting#11
Originally Posted by Kamigee View Post
I've come for a little help Acme!
Not sure what I'm doing wrong now, I'm in Dx9 and my recipe list is scaled to 1.0.
Here's what happens, I set up all my hotkeys already, and when I hit start to start the crafting on the bot if just toggles the recipe list on and off repeatedly.

I'm still trying to figure it out, asking here since you might have an idea what i'm doing wrong.

Edit: on the bottom left it says "opening book" that message never goes away.
Try the new version, probably fixed it, just uploaded it.
08/06/2015 09:02 Kamigee#12
Yea! The new updated version starts up with no problems.
I'd like to report a potential error, not sure if it's on my side or what but when the bot tries to use the skill "Nymeia's Wheel" it gets stuck and says and error with the hotkey.
Now I've changed the hotkey quite a few times and it always stops in that one spot, once I do that skill myself and hit "Ok" on the error box it continues fine.

Not sure what's going on but it's with that skill only right now, I'll try more crafts tomorrow.
08/06/2015 12:00 AcmeCrafting#13
Originally Posted by Kamigee View Post
Yea! The new updated version starts up with no problems.
I'd like to report a potential error, not sure if it's on my side or what but when the bot tries to use the skill "Nymeia's Wheel" it gets stuck and says and error with the hotkey.
Now I've changed the hotkey quite a few times and it always stops in that one spot, once I do that skill myself and hit "Ok" on the error box it continues fine.

Not sure what's going on but it's with that skill only right now, I'll try more crafts tomorrow.
I found the problem, just don't set a HotKey for innovative touch, I'll fix it later today, with muscle memory logic thanks :)

atm it's not using innovative touch, the new algorithm will, if it's actually good :)

edit: fixed it on main post (I also uploaded wrong files earlier)
08/06/2015 17:34 birdmizzle#14
I've been using this for a few days now, still working really well.

The only bug that's hanging me up sometimes is that it tries to use byregot's blessing on excellent conditions when I'm not high enough level to have it.
08/06/2015 19:05 AcmeCrafting#15
Yea that's mentioned in the OP, it's a problem of how I'm collecting which skills you have , I could wait for a stack of IQ to see if you DONT have it, and just assume you do have until stack 1.