1-30 botting , how long does it take?

05/25/2015 10:02 markoret#1
so i would like to know how much does 1-30 with botting takes?
i m botting like 8-9 days and they arent 30 yet ( 27-28)

does win - loss ratio has something to do with it

05/25/2015 16:41 GiftofFortune#2
It depends on your method on powerlvling. if you are bottingon normal games it would take longer than if it was custom with 7 min games in ttl or 15-20 mins in aram. around around 10 days seems right if you are botting using co-op.
05/25/2015 16:54 Stejo#3
If u use NHC 7 days (7x24 hours) with exp boost, for others dont know.
05/25/2015 21:28 AlbaniaHD#4
Aprox 10 days.
05/30/2015 09:30 TVS#5
it takes around 7-14 days