Need help :3

09/25/2014 17:13 ♥ndromeda#1
So i need some help understand this forum so..
First: what Mediations are and how can i earn them?
Second: How can i add/change my title ?(under the name)
Third: How can i change my name and what are it requirements ?
Fourth:Why i need elite gold and where can i purchase them?
Fifth: I saw some people that can bump every 4 hours. what i need to do, so i can bump every 4 hours too ?
09/25/2014 17:18 Drewfire#2
1. You earn mediations, when u are the middleman in a trade.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...] there you can activate it.

2. There you can change your title.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]

3. There you can change your name, consider that you need elite*gold.
Premium Member get a 50% discount.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]

4. You dont need elitegold, but you can buy it from here.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]
You can use it for buying premium status, pay people in a trade and do namechanges.

5. You can only bump threads every 4 hours in the elite gold trading section.
Otherwise only 24 hours.
09/25/2014 17:26 ♥ndromeda#3
Originally Posted by Daxz View Post
1. You earn mediations, when u are the middleman in a trade.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...] there you can activate it.

2. There you can change your title.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]

3. There you can change your name, consider that you need elite*gold.
Premium Member get a 50% discount.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]

4. You dont need elitegold, but you can buy it from here.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]
You can use it for buying premium status, pay people in a trade and do namechanges.

5. You can only bump threads every 4 hours in the elite gold trading section.
Otherwise only 24 hours.
Thankyou, very helpfull.

k, answered. Someone can close this please.
09/25/2014 23:26 MrSm!th#4