Grand Fantasia account 80 DS, 3 Mules

07/27/2014 07:23 FullMetal22#1
07/28/2014 15:40 NoobUchiha#2
Is it yours this time or selling a friend account ? If not, give out a price.
07/29/2014 00:33 FullMetal22#3
Originally Posted by NoobUchiha View Post
Is it yours this time or selling a friend account ? If not, give out a price.
Its Mine I apologize for your inconvenience I don't have a specific price yet I haven't added up all the "Gear And items" to get a decent price range for the market yet
But if your serious you can message me ill give you email or New skype
08/26/2014 20:21 Exros#4
do you still have account for sell if so please message me with you contact infor so we can tlk more about the account