WTS EUW accounts-Original Owner- Wellcome email include

05/17/2014 03:10 x-itt#1
Diamond 2 (S4)
Diamond in S3 AND S2, so you'll have the border
21 Skins
10 champs, 2 Rune pages
500+ RP, 3100+ IP

Diamond 4 . It has 33 skins and it has all champs except for, . It has 10 runes pages with all the runes you need except for the random ones like crit damage

3. Account
Platinum III
68 champs
3 rune pages
skins owned
Championship Tresh

2 rune pages
32K ip
22K rp
14 skins

GOld Division V , 89 Champs 57 Skins, 829 wins, , 5 Rune

05/17/2014 03:51 xlavii#2
u trade accounts?. i have a account gold4 with king rammus pax tf jugement kayle ufo corki arcane heca
05/17/2014 09:27 x-itt#3
not interestd in trade vs account
05/17/2014 09:36 ~iTzzMe~#4
Psc accepted?
05/17/2014 20:11 x-itt#5
yes accepting psc
05/17/2014 20:18 Pwny'#6
how much € for the 4. account ? - Paysafecard
05/17/2014 20:20 lntelWave#7
Can I pay in PayPal?
I'm interested in account 5.
05/17/2014 20:23 sCrUpZz#8
intrested in boosting your account? as trade?
05/17/2014 22:13 x-itt#9
no need boosting thank you
05/17/2014 22:19 blacklion89#10
intrest in 1 account add me on skpe worldbeat85
05/17/2014 22:33 lntelWave#11
Interested in account 5, can pay with PayPal??
05/17/2014 23:36 x-itt#12
05/18/2014 01:06 Coolalter123#13
Price for account1?
05/18/2014 01:16 Yuki17#14
What are your prices for Accounts 1 and 5?
05/18/2014 02:24 x-itt#15
pmed price