04/21/2014 22:02 BigBongTheory#1
I was normally playing and my friend logged into my acc after that I couldn't log in with my account,I dont know why,I writed my account info right and it said "unrecognized account name or password" so I tried to log-in on website didnt worked aswell so I clicked forgot username and forgot password the links came on my email so I changed my password and the login was writed correctly like I was writing all the time,I tried to log-in with new pass and it said again "unrecognized password or username" I changed my password several times and it still was saying same :( My e-mail was verified that means what nobody could stole my account/change password/e-mail without my permission and If it were stolen I couldn't get an password change e-mail so I dont know what happened with my account please help me!
04/22/2014 02:00 RecklessMisery#2
dude u may chose the wrong region, was i drunken mistake i did 3x times,too x)
i mean when u go on the website its sometimes on na or something else