12/07/2013 17:22 Łõkãl#1
Hi League of Legends Gamer,

heute möchte ich euch einen Tipp verraten, mit dem ihr für weniger Geld Riot Points kaufen könnt.

Was benötige ich dafür:
-Acc in TR Server oder ein Server wo Euro mehr wert ist als die Währung des Landes.

es gibt Accs die kostenlos von EUW zb in den TR server wechseln können.
Für diese Accs hat man die Möglichkeit für 65 türkische Lira (TL) 6450 RP zu kaufen. Rechnet man diese 65 TL in Euro um sind das ca. 25€.

Ergebnis= Man spaart ne menge Geld wenn man sich für eine Große Summe Geld Riot Points kauft zb für 50€.

Wenn ihr wieder zurück auf euren alten Server wechseln möchtet müsst ihr dann aber 2600 RP zahlen. Also ist es empfehlenswert, dass ihr diesen Preis in eure Rechnung miteinkalkuliert.

EINE IDEE VON Monk>Mage>Der rest:Macht einen acc auf TR-server LvL´t den auf 20 kauft euch RP und dann macht ihr ein transfare auf EUW für 2600 und schenkt euch die Skins dann muss man nur 2600 zahlen und nicht 5200.
(wäre die günstigere Variante die etwas länger dauert)

Ps: Es lohnt sich nur wenn ihr wirklich ab 50€+ RP kaufen möchtet.

Ich hoffe, dass ich euch damit helfen konnte etwas Geld zu sparen.

Die preise können sich verändern hängt vom Wechselkurs ab

Ich werde den Wechselkurs im Auge behalten und immer versuchen den neusten stand hier zu posten

Liebe Grüße


Hi League of Legends Gamer,

today i will show you how you can buy some RP for less money then normal.

What do i need for that?
- an Acc in TR server or a Server where your money is more expansive then the money in the country.

There are acc`s which can change the server for 0 RP to TR server. This kinde of acc`s have the possibility to buy some RP for less money. Example you can buy 6450 RP for 65 turkish Lira (TL).
Now if you think a secont you will know that 25€ are 65 TL. Now you only need a PayPal acc with more than 25€ and you can buy 6450 RP.

BUT REMEMBER: YOU NEED 2600 RP to change you server again

AN IDEA OF Monk> Mage> The rest : Makes a acc on TR server LvL't the 20 buys you RP and then you make a transfare on EUW for 2600 and give you the Skins then you have to pay only 2600 and not 5200.
(would be the cheaper option which takes a little longer)

I hope I could help you to save some money.

PS: sry for my english not the best one.
The prices may change depending on the exchange rate

i will update the exchange rate if its changing

with greetings

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12/08/2013 11:16 kargamosyo#2
Can you tell turkish ? pelas bro
12/08/2013 12:08 yabik#3
Şimdi bu arkadaşlar ülkelerinde parasını euro ile kazanıyor, biliyorsun. Oynadıkları serverda da sabit bir şekilde euro üzerinden değerlendiriliyo riot pointler. Mesela, 5000 riot point onlarda sürekli 20€ olsun bizde de sürekli 50 lira olsun. 1 euro da 2,5 TL olsun. E adam napıyo, geliyo bizim serverdan alıyo riot pointi. Neden peki? Euro yükseldiği zaman, 50 lira oluyo 18€ falan. Aynı riot pointi, 20€ yerine, 18€ya almış oluyo.

Bizim açımızdan değişen bişey yok. Fakat adam sürekli euro ile harcama yaptığı için, kara geçiyo.

Ya da git kuyumcudan 50€ al bekle, değeri artınca git bozdur, gel onlarla riot point al. Kar edersin :D
12/08/2013 12:08 bluedark#4
Wow thanks a lot!
12/08/2013 17:47 Łõkãl#5
Originally Posted by kargamosyo View Post
Can you tell turkish ? pelas bro
avrupada yasiyan biri olunca Euro la ödüyor. Bu nedemek oluyor?
resimde grödügün gibi 65 TL 25€ felan yapiyor normalde 25€ ancak 3000 RP civarinda alabilirsin ama Türk serversinde 6450 RP alabiliyorsun. Anliyacan avrupada yasayanlar daha cok RP alabilme sansi var TR servesinde.
12/08/2013 18:56 grimgrents#6
OMG thanks
12/08/2013 19:30 Łõkãl#7
if someone have any question just ask me.
wenn ihr fragen habt fragt einfach.
sorunuz olursa sorun.
12/08/2013 23:36 chan meo#8
In N/A sever you need to have 2600RP to transfer. If you wanna go back to N/A server you need to pay 2600Rp. So it's 5200 Rp total. So you need to purchase a lot of rp to do this.
12/09/2013 18:27 Łõkãl#9
Originally Posted by chan meo View Post
In N/A sever you need to have 2600RP to transfer. If you wanna go back to N/A server you need to pay 2600Rp. So it's 5200 Rp total. So you need to purchase a lot of rp to do this.
yes but my example was for the accounts where you can change you acc to TR server for 0 RP thats why it is nice. but its still good if you want by some RP for more then 50€. as i said you should think about the prices to change back.
12/10/2013 08:51 zamqi27#10
tr rp price cheap but player quality epic low. (11-15 years old kid players..)
i'm play euw sw & i luv euw.
lol tr server = thrash.
12/10/2013 09:02 Volltboon#11
Originally Posted by zamqi27 View Post
tr rp price cheap but player quality epic low. (11-15 years old kid players..)
i'm play euw sw & i luv euw.
lol tr server = thrash.
as if, i played on both servers and the age of the players on tr is more than a little bit higher than on euw
the dia/plat players on euw are playing like shit
12/10/2013 18:19 Łõkãl#12
yeah but this has nothing to do with the topic. ^^
12/11/2013 16:04 dacx#13
12/11/2013 16:05 Frozenable#14
Hm werde es in den nexten paar Tagen testen, hoffe es geht, dann lieb ich dich :*
12/11/2013 17:08 Łõkãl#15
Ich hab's schon getestet funktioniert wirklich:)) du solltest aber das Geld schon auf paypal haben so per Lastschrift geht nicht.