Microsoft reveals the price of Xbox One games

06/17/2013 19:43 Callum#1
Microsoft has just announced that first-party xbox one games will be sold at $59.99, which matches the current prices for newly released xbox 360 games.

Back in February, for you PS4 lovers, CEO Jack Tretton 'suggested' that the PS4 prices will range from $0.99 for free-to-play models, to the official games at $60 also.

As everyone breathes a sigh of relief as retailers have been pricing pre-ordered games up to $90, It's been confirmed that these are just placeholders prices, and not the actual prices.

For all of you concerned about the prices in your country:

$59.99 - USA
£38.19 - UK
06/17/2013 20:34 Meiko​#2
You can not simply convert 60 dollars into euros. These titles will be 60 euros aswell. Same set prices goes for the other currencies.
06/18/2013 10:48 Callum#3
Originally Posted by Meiko​ View Post
You can not simply convert 60 dollars into euros. These titles will be 60 euros aswell. Same set prices goes for the other currencies.
Edited that for you :)
06/18/2013 11:03 Meiko​#4
It's not for me, it's for you.