The Most People Playing SRO (Answer The Poll)

06/06/2009 18:00 spam the wow#1
What u think The Most People is playing in SRO are They Turkish - Egyptians - Germany - French ??
pleaase answer the poll and if u know another Countries playing tell Me i will add Them
06/06/2009 18:09 bubblesuk#2
dont think anyone cares
06/06/2009 21:04 spam the wow#3
Yes ... But i see ur Votes For an idea Not For No One Cares
SooN i Will Tell you
06/06/2009 21:14 audi0slave#4
I guess Turkish,German,then all the others.
06/06/2009 21:39 yagnesh_shenoy#5
noob post
06/06/2009 21:43 spam the wow#6
Reported To Mod
06/06/2009 21:52 xMedeia#7
Reported for what? lol

Anyway Probably Turks #1 and Egypt #2
06/06/2009 23:06 Low_Riders#8
1. Turks & Egys (Probably )
2. Germans
3. Spanish
06/08/2009 01:03 lopasas#9
yeah, no capital, im soo bad lol
06/08/2009 01:18 xxbrentonxx#10
Phillipines, Kuwait have a lot of players. Im from australia and I know quite a few players from Australia too but i dont think its enough to make the poll for.
06/08/2009 01:52 urian1982#11
Think Brasilians must be added on th poll anyway...lopasas situated on third place spanish,instead of what i think spanish speaking players Latins (southamericans mostly not people from spain)spanish players are far way from the top list.(i´m one of them)
06/08/2009 02:20 x_king_x#12
Well due to my server i guess
#1 Germans
#2 Egyptians (We are Owning there) xD
#3 Turks
06/08/2009 02:23 xxbrentonxx#13
0.o u added french! They are like an absolute minority, i seen more people from like Libya and random places xD.
06/08/2009 02:40 x_king_x#14
well there are sro players from every where xD
06/09/2009 05:34 purex123456#15
I think it's German,Egy and Turks.

Mini side poll XD
Which do you think play better?