Hey everyone, this is just a simple HOWTO/TIP how to stay anonymous on the www
Definitions of anonymous:
"Nameless; of unknown name; also, of unknown or unavowed authorship; as, an anonymous benefactor; an anonymous pamphlet or letter.
Anonymous: words in the definition"
Only way to stay anonymous on the i-net is de-plug the cable, since ur connected to ur providers server, but they will only give away your info if there is a court order for it.
1. Running privacy tools on your computer at work without approval of the IT department is against the rules and can get you fired.
2. No matter how much technical knowledge you may have, there is always someone out there who is smarter than you, so don´t become careless.
3. Think of the high value of the Human Right to Privacy. Don´t abuse it for unethical purposes.
What can they trace and how?
This is something the normal internet user doesn't know, although i think a lot of u guys do know, but besides that its nice to check: [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]
its shows all these things:
-IP Address of the host from which we received the http request for this page.
-Result of our reverse DNS lookup, and the name given to us directly.
-Proxy servers may identify themselves with these addresses or names.
-Proxy claims he is acting on behalf of this IP Address (e.g. your PC)
-Reverse DNS lookup of this address
-Proxy claims he is acting on behalf of these hosts, other proxies, or your PC
-Web browser type and operating system. This alone might be sufficient to identify your PC within a LAN!
-Preferred MIME types
-Preferred language
-Preferred encoding
-Preferred character set
-Website, from which you were linked (referred) to this page.
And from this info alone, just checking g00gle etc hackers can find enough info to hack u.
This can be annoying, losing personal info.
but it gets worse, ip can be traced to a position, there are companies who collect and sell these info.
How to protect urself against it?
During a web browsing session, most data is transferred using the HTTP protocol, which is just plain text and not protected in any way. Just replace the “http” string with “https” in your web browser, and all information transferred is encrypted using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol.
Unless you work at the NSA, you can safely assume that neither your employer nor your provider have the resources to break this encryption algorithm.
There are also a lot of sites games wich give ip ban when u do something illigal(and thats why we are here for), wich means that when u want to connect to the site u send ur ip to the filter and its blocked.
The easyest solution for this is use a proxy BUT REMEBER, U WILL NEVER BE COMPLETELY INVISEBLE!,
-Proxy: Instead of your Web browser heading for the Internet when you type in an URL, the proxy intercepts the request and asks for the page on your behalf.
The reply comes back to you, but via the proxy and the proxy server stores the reply, just in case you (or anybody else in your organization asks for it again shortly).
Thus, if the proxy were doing this for every individual within the organization, it would quickly build up a cache of all these requests, serving the same pages in a much reduced time on future requests, the main downside for most proxys.
most regular proxies will have an "X-Forwarded-For" header in HTTP requests, which contains the originating IP address, that being your IP.
To test if ur proxy is working correctly: [url=http://www.lagado.com/proxy-test[/url]
-JAP is an free and open source anonymity tool invented by a German university. It sends your traffic encrypted through different mixes, so that absolutely nobody, not even the owner of on of the mixes know who is accessing which site. This is also on of the best tools to circumvent censorship.
For pictures:
Steganography:The advantage of steganography, over cryptography(as above) alone, is that messages do not attract attention to themselves. Plainly visible encrypted messages—no matter how unbreakable—will arouse suspicion, and may in themselves be incriminating in countries where encryption is illegal.[1] Therefore, whereas cryptography protects the contents of a message, steganography can be said to protect both messages and communicating parties.
To have some real fun:
Save this image to your computer:
[Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]
Uploaded with [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]
DONT edit the image in anny way!(this will make it useless)
Go to:
[Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]
Upload the image
enter password: thisiseasy
And see what i secretly typed
Some overall usefull tips
Use an alias on the net, if u have to register for annything u dont want to refered with, make an extra e-mail acount, use an alias wich cant be traced to you, and use that for things you dont trust(freebie sites, porn sites etc will send u loads of spam^^)
Then there's the matter of the "last mile", which is the most easily surveilled portion of your Internet communications. It's not so easy for me to break into Microsoft's co-locations, and install a tap on each of their lines, and filter through all the traffic in the hopes of capturing your data. It'd be much easier for me to install an inline tap on your network connection at home. If you have a wireless network, then you're in even more trouble. Also, it is possible for authorities to subpoena your connection information and logs, and possibly install a tap at the ISP.
So secure ur home network well, with the 23 key combi there are 24(abc's) x 10 (123's) ^23= possible combinations.
Dont keep ur given password to you by ur provider couse they work with pretty mutch regular codes wich are easy to trace
Then that brings up the question of physical security. If you leave your computer unattended, someone could come in and install a keylogger on your machine such as Magic Lantern or something like bo2k, and monitor everything that you're doing.
Just remember, dont break the rules that respond to your area, or u could be in trouble.
also keep in mind, this is just a realy small howto, and if i forgot realy usefull tips etc, just tell me and ill add em.
Press Thanks if i helped u:handsdown:
Usefull links:
http://ipinfo.info/index.php--> Lots of nice, easy to understand info.
http://www.zensur.freerk.com/--> a realy complete guide for the wizz that wants to bypass internet censorship
http://mozaiq.org/--> stegothingy
Definitions of anonymous:
"Nameless; of unknown name; also, of unknown or unavowed authorship; as, an anonymous benefactor; an anonymous pamphlet or letter.
Anonymous: words in the definition"
Only way to stay anonymous on the i-net is de-plug the cable, since ur connected to ur providers server, but they will only give away your info if there is a court order for it.
1. Running privacy tools on your computer at work without approval of the IT department is against the rules and can get you fired.
2. No matter how much technical knowledge you may have, there is always someone out there who is smarter than you, so don´t become careless.
3. Think of the high value of the Human Right to Privacy. Don´t abuse it for unethical purposes.
What can they trace and how?
This is something the normal internet user doesn't know, although i think a lot of u guys do know, but besides that its nice to check: [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]
its shows all these things:
-IP Address of the host from which we received the http request for this page.
-Result of our reverse DNS lookup, and the name given to us directly.
-Proxy servers may identify themselves with these addresses or names.
-Proxy claims he is acting on behalf of this IP Address (e.g. your PC)
-Reverse DNS lookup of this address
-Proxy claims he is acting on behalf of these hosts, other proxies, or your PC
-Web browser type and operating system. This alone might be sufficient to identify your PC within a LAN!
-Preferred MIME types
-Preferred language
-Preferred encoding
-Preferred character set
-Website, from which you were linked (referred) to this page.
And from this info alone, just checking g00gle etc hackers can find enough info to hack u.
This can be annoying, losing personal info.
but it gets worse, ip can be traced to a position, there are companies who collect and sell these info.
How to protect urself against it?
During a web browsing session, most data is transferred using the HTTP protocol, which is just plain text and not protected in any way. Just replace the “http” string with “https” in your web browser, and all information transferred is encrypted using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol.
Unless you work at the NSA, you can safely assume that neither your employer nor your provider have the resources to break this encryption algorithm.
There are also a lot of sites games wich give ip ban when u do something illigal(and thats why we are here for), wich means that when u want to connect to the site u send ur ip to the filter and its blocked.
The easyest solution for this is use a proxy BUT REMEBER, U WILL NEVER BE COMPLETELY INVISEBLE!,
-Proxy: Instead of your Web browser heading for the Internet when you type in an URL, the proxy intercepts the request and asks for the page on your behalf.
The reply comes back to you, but via the proxy and the proxy server stores the reply, just in case you (or anybody else in your organization asks for it again shortly).
Thus, if the proxy were doing this for every individual within the organization, it would quickly build up a cache of all these requests, serving the same pages in a much reduced time on future requests, the main downside for most proxys.
most regular proxies will have an "X-Forwarded-For" header in HTTP requests, which contains the originating IP address, that being your IP.
To test if ur proxy is working correctly: [url=http://www.lagado.com/proxy-test[/url]
-JAP is an free and open source anonymity tool invented by a German university. It sends your traffic encrypted through different mixes, so that absolutely nobody, not even the owner of on of the mixes know who is accessing which site. This is also on of the best tools to circumvent censorship.
For pictures:
Steganography:The advantage of steganography, over cryptography(as above) alone, is that messages do not attract attention to themselves. Plainly visible encrypted messages—no matter how unbreakable—will arouse suspicion, and may in themselves be incriminating in countries where encryption is illegal.[1] Therefore, whereas cryptography protects the contents of a message, steganography can be said to protect both messages and communicating parties.
To have some real fun:
Save this image to your computer:
[Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]
Uploaded with [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]
DONT edit the image in anny way!(this will make it useless)
Go to:
[Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]
Upload the image
enter password: thisiseasy
And see what i secretly typed
Some overall usefull tips
Use an alias on the net, if u have to register for annything u dont want to refered with, make an extra e-mail acount, use an alias wich cant be traced to you, and use that for things you dont trust(freebie sites, porn sites etc will send u loads of spam^^)
Then there's the matter of the "last mile", which is the most easily surveilled portion of your Internet communications. It's not so easy for me to break into Microsoft's co-locations, and install a tap on each of their lines, and filter through all the traffic in the hopes of capturing your data. It'd be much easier for me to install an inline tap on your network connection at home. If you have a wireless network, then you're in even more trouble. Also, it is possible for authorities to subpoena your connection information and logs, and possibly install a tap at the ISP.
So secure ur home network well, with the 23 key combi there are 24(abc's) x 10 (123's) ^23= possible combinations.
Dont keep ur given password to you by ur provider couse they work with pretty mutch regular codes wich are easy to trace
Then that brings up the question of physical security. If you leave your computer unattended, someone could come in and install a keylogger on your machine such as Magic Lantern or something like bo2k, and monitor everything that you're doing.
Just remember, dont break the rules that respond to your area, or u could be in trouble.
also keep in mind, this is just a realy small howto, and if i forgot realy usefull tips etc, just tell me and ill add em.
Press Thanks if i helped u:handsdown:
-----------Please note that the proxies named in this post are not checked/verified. It could be that a censoring government run those proxies just to check who is accessing which blocked information. Maybe some of them are also maintained by hackers that can examine every piece of information that passes their servers (your credit card information, for example). So carefuly choose the server you connect to and even think twice if you use them to transfer private data--------Wanna learn more?:rtfm:
Usefull links:
http://ipinfo.info/index.php--> Lots of nice, easy to understand info.
http://www.zensur.freerk.com/--> a realy complete guide for the wizz that wants to bypass internet censorship
http://mozaiq.org/--> stegothingy