[TRADE] Adventure Quest for Runescape

04/12/2009 17:17 Ruyuk#1
I am trading a level 93 X-Guardian for a Runescape account. I am looking for something based on not just the level but equips and items it has. It needs to be at least level 90. If it is higher in level then my demand for it to have more items/gold is less. Please post what the stats are and some photos.

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04/12/2009 19:04 feoksamer#2
have runescape account but that what u want is to much inteligent kid
04/12/2009 22:43 Ruyuk#3
What are you saying by intelligent kid? I don't understand what you are trying to say. :P
04/18/2009 20:27 Mr.Human#4
i got acc but its muted?