C5 chest/box patch for azuregaming.net

04/06/2009 12:54 astuonesdesimt#1
if some1 have share pls ;)
04/06/2009 12:56 emir0n#2
try this [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]
04/06/2009 13:01 astuonesdesimt#3
this only for c4 and c3 but i try for c5 :D

p.s not working
04/06/2009 15:10 emir0n#4
not sure if the client allows you to change that,but if it does just search some modified system on the net and try to overwrite the needed files
04/07/2009 16:17 astuonesdesimt#5
i cant find modified system :\