You need:
Now i'm explaining how to get many Simoleons and Social Points.
Here is the code for the *.ahk-file:
Maybe you have to edit the Coordinates of the Mouseclick and the Text of the Window.
Both information you can get with Window Spy, which is installed with AutoHotkey as well.
I hope it works for you and you can enjoy it.
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Now i'm explaining how to get many Simoleons and Social Points.
- Install Plugin
- Start The Sims Social
- Go to the Shop
- Open "Hidden - consumable"
- Start AutoHotkey-Script, which clicks on "Red Envelope"
- Lean back and enjoy
- To stop press/hold "Esc" until it stops
Here is the code for the *.ahk-file:
#InstallKeybdHook SetTitleMatchMode 2 While (!GetKeyState("Escape")) { WinWait, The Sims Social auf Facebook - Mozilla Firefox, IfWinNotActive, The Sims Social auf Facebook - Mozilla Firefox, , WinActivate, The Sims Social auf Facebook - Mozilla Firefox, WinWaitActive, The Sims Social auf Facebook - Mozilla Firefox, MouseClick, left, 400, 700 Sleep, 500 } ExitApp
Both information you can get with Window Spy, which is installed with AutoHotkey as well.
I hope it works for you and you can enjoy it.