Employees do not have ibot CRACK?

04/18/2012 14:23 derocan1#1
:rtfm: :rtfm: Employees do not have ibot CRACK? If yes, share please... :rtfm: :rtfm:
04/18/2012 15:45 supernoob.#2
why in the hell are you yousing rtfm do you know what that even means


04/18/2012 17:48 myron836#3
what does it mean? *trollface* ... They most likely dont, considering they made the bot maybe they can add infinite amount of licenses?
04/18/2012 20:47 tacoface#4
Dear God, this is the fourth post today that involves stupidity. Mooching noobs like you should be banned from elite pvp. 1 post? GTFO!