lil Costum HWAN Title Query

12/05/2011 22:21 IceAmStiel#1
PHP Code:
Declare @newHWANlevel varchar(64)
Declare @
blueORred int
Declare @ZerkDMG tinyint
Declare @CHwriting1 varchar(74)
Declare @
EUwriting1 varchar(74)
Declare @
newCHtitle varchar(74)
Declare @
newEUtitle varchar(74)

############################################ by Caipi
--############################################ Parameter which you can change!

SET @blueORred 1145127506 /* 1145127506 for blue, 0 for red Zerk*/
SET @ZerkDMG 50 /*e.g. for 50% more DMG; MAX = 255% change tinyint to int if you want more*/
SET @newCHtitle 'Elite'    /*new Chinese Title*/
SET @newEUtitle 'pvpers'    /*new European Title*/

--############################################ END

SET @newHWANlevel = (SELECT MAX(HwanLevelFROM _RefHWANLevel)+1
INSERT INTO _RefHWANLevel (HwanLevel,ParamFourcc1,ParamValue1,ParamFourcc2,ParamValue2,ParamFourcc3,ParamValue3,ParamFourcc4,ParamValue4,ParamFourcc5,ParamValue5,AssocFileObj128,Title_CH70,Title_EU70VALUES (@newHWANlevel,1397769301,200,@blueORred,@ZerkDMG,0,0,0,0,0,0,'xxx',@CHwriting1+@newHWANlevel,@EUwriting1+@newHWANlevel);
print 'Media/server_dep/silkroad/textdata/textuisystem.txt'
print '1    '+@CHwriting1+@newHWANlevel+'                            '+@newCHtitle
print '1    '+@EUwriting1+@newHWANlevel+'                            '+@newEUtitle
print ''
print 'Media/server_dep/silkroad/textdata/hwanleveldata.txt'
print @newHWANlevel+'    UIO_SECOND_HWAN_CH_NAME_LEVEL_'+@newHWANlevel+'    UIO_SECOND_HWAN_EU_NAME_LEVEL_'+@newHWANlevel 
Will throw also the path + the necessary pk2 lines out.
Change only the 4 values between the ## Häf phun :)

PHP Code:

Declare @CharNick varchar(64)
Declare @
Hwanlvl tinyint

@CharNick ''    --Your Ingame Nick
@Hwanlvl ''    --Your desired Hwan Title e.g'6'

/* Hwan Title Explanation:
CH '1'    Captain
CH '2'    General
CH '3'    Senior General
CH '4'    Chief General
CH '5'    Vice General Lord
CH '6'    General Lord
EU '1'    Knight
EU '2'    Baronet
EU '3'    Baron
EU '4'    Count
EU '5'    Marquis
EU '6'    Duke    */

UPDATE dbo._Char
SET HwanLevel 
= @Hwanlvl
WHERE CharName16 like 
To simply use one of the just created titles.. ^^

For example with "Ò_ó" [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]
12/23/2011 16:31 ArcherPrince#2
can you explain more please ..
12/28/2011 10:11 abdelbaser#3
Originally Posted by ArcherPrince View Post
can you explain more please ..
look i know how to use sql and i know how to use these codes but how i will inject them to media.pk2 or data.pk2 ??
01/03/2012 00:46 IceAmStiel#4
Originally Posted by abdelbaser View Post
look i know how to use sql and i know how to use these codes but how i will inject them to media.pk2 or data.pk2 ??
Simply run the query with your choosen values :) It should throw you the textpaths and the necessary lines out unter "Messages"

Media.pk2 etc.. :)
09/26/2012 18:15 mmmhhh#5
thx bro
04/15/2013 15:35 totfliega2007#6
hi it works perfect but now i added titel 30-32 and i dont see him in game...zerk is blue but no yellow name idk whats wrong...
another 29 works but 30-32 not....i hope some 1 can help me i change all in textuisys but no efekt...
04/17/2013 01:05 Bloody Network#7
Somethings wrong with ur media.pk2 probably.