[Script] Make People Say things

06/17/2008 21:08 jitsuk#1
As im sure some people have seen in Game people link things in Channels that when you click it, it makes you say things well here is how you do it.

Goto your AOC directory and make a file called say.txt and put this in it

/chsay OOC <a href="text://<a href='chatcmd:///chsay OOC IM A RETARD'>NO REALLY DONT CLICK ME</a>">DONT CLICK ME</a>
Then in game just type "/say.txt" when they click on the link they will say "Im a retard" in OCC channel
06/18/2008 02:16 f34rth3n008#2
No chat command or script named "say.txt" available

That is what it is saying in game when I type /say.txt

I have the txt in the aoc folder and in the script folder. What am I doing wrong?
06/18/2008 19:26 TwinEvil#3
06/19/2008 01:04 ihackyou#4
It works. Put it into your scripts folder... Jitsuk sucks at copying other posts :D
06/19/2008 02:20 f34rth3n008#5
What part will it show to click on? NO REALLY DONT CLICK ME or DONT CLICK ME ? This way you can change it to say other stuff besides Dont click this or whatever.
06/22/2008 10:08 Valex37#6
I've done this in-game before, its quite fun when many people do it:)

This is how it works: Do what the post says, run script in-game by typing /filename - must be in scripts folder - then a link (DONT CLICK ME) will appear in ooc channel, someone must click this link willingly, and a info window will pop up with another link (NO REALLY DONT CLICK ME), you must click that one, which will trigger the /say command. But only problem is you have to click 2 links and if you just mouseover the 2nd link you can see exactly what the script does.