Quest loop

03/19/2008 08:21 aleyaley#1

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Go to Evindim, theranger camp at Tinnudir and talk to Gil Symes

Accept: Thief-Takers Bane an instanced quest

Hit travel now and go to instance
Nothing happens until you talk to Gil Symes again, you can mine some ores here also.

There is a Brigands Cache that spawns in one of three spots so far always 3+ silver and an item or two so so stuff at first but then some really nice items like adamants, stat food, gold weapons, purple robe
most items are around the 28 level

There is also always an Antique Vase to be found for a LM

After you get your items go back to Gil Symes and hit Continue
The attackers come in and when three rangers die you are sent back to
Tinnudir. There is no chance of death for you if you stay out of action. This is a good way also to see the quest mechanics of what camps are attacked and levels of the attackers to plan strategy when you do the quest for real.
03/16/2015 21:27 ElFrage#2
what about little help _ by sharing your idea :D