Adds Boxer in tc, adds script to BoxerHuang inside TG to let you out.
Paste code in NPCTalk.cs
Intert into database:
kinda useless since im pretty sure tg dummies arent added but w.e its all I can do for practise atm.
Paste code in NPCTalk.cs
#region TC Boxer case 600076: { switch (LinkBack) { case 0: { Text("If you are level 20 or above you may train the the training ground. Would youlike me to teleport you there for 1000 silver?", Client); Link("Yes, please.", 1, Client); Link("No, thanks.", 255, Client); Finish(Client); return; } case 1: { Teleport(Client, 217, 215, 1039); } return; } return; } #endregion #region Leave TG case 600075: { switch (LinkBack) { case 0: { Text("Although nothing will be consumed here, you cannot level up as fast as slaying the monsters. Shall I teleport you out?", Client); Link("Yes, please.", 1, Client); Link("No, thanks.", 255, Client); Finish(Client); return; } case 1: { Teleport(Client, 430, 380, 1002); } return; } return; } #endregion
600076 600076 6440 Boxer 1002 350 335 1 2