Nochmal zur Info:
[I]2 days ago we released the Zeta presentation and opened the beta server for a few selected players out of the 800 who applied.
Since then we've received a lot of feedback, criticism and questions from you and the beta testers. The one we've clearly heard the most is that the server doesn't look "official". The problem here is that everyone has their own idea of "official" and the further away we are from that idea, the bigger the disappointment. For this reason, there were quite different opinions about the presentation.
[..Before explaining what Zeta is..]
Since the community we want to address expects rather a simple and official concept, we also decided to go in this direction and our motto was "Aeldra meets official". That means that we orientate ourselves on the "official" systems, maps, dungeons etc. It was clear to us from the beginning that a 1:1 copy of the official is not appealing to a lot of players, because they prefer Aeldra for a reason. In the end, we took the good from the official and combined it with the mature of Aeldra. This is how Zeta was created. This should not be misunderstood. In a poll of beta testers, more than 70% agreed that Zeta looks like Aeldra from the outside BUT also about 70% agreed that the concept is different. Only the playstyle is similar to Aeldra.
For example, you don't drop nearly as many switchers, get much more damage from monsters, don't immediately get a Lv. 30 weapon+9 at the beginning, level up much slower, 75 weapons are only available from the demon tower, dungeons in general are even more worth than on aeldra, you can fish and mine etc. etc.
We can understand that the fact that we titled the server as official raised expectations among you, which were not met after the presentation. And we admit that it was a mistake to use the words "official like" without explaining it. We are now correcting this with these words, saying "Aeldra meets offical".
We are currently in the process of improving the server with the help of the beta testers and are on a very good way.
Transparency and honesty are very important to us, which is why we wanted to enlighten you a little with this text and show you our view. We will also try to give you a bit more insight into Zeta with more previews.