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Update Date: 26.09.2019
Downtime: 17:30 - 18:00 (-+15 minutes)
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-Event period is based on Electus Time and available until Sunday 23:59.
-Bonus silk you normally obtain from the packages are also included.
-Your bonus silk reward is added on your account instantly when you donate (Superrewards+EPIN).
Period start: Thursday 18:00 (Electus Time)
Period end: Sunday 23.59 (Electus Time)
1. Increased Global Electus Point Limit by +800 (17,200 > 18,000)
End-Game items (EGY B) are obtained with Electus Points and not tradeable.
All EGY B Items (Weapon, Acc, Gear) are now available at EGY B NPC.
2. Honor Ranking & Buffs Reset
We reset honor ranking & buffs every two weeks.
Now, it's the best time to hop in and farm honor points and grab the glorious honor buffs.
3. Job Cave Quest + NEW BOX!
The event period has been extended for 1 week.
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Step 1 - Take the quest
Go to Quest Manager and get the quest to start your journey.
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Step 2 - Collect the letters
Collect ''10'' units of each letter and deliver the quest. The monsters are located in Job Cave.
Letter drops are randomized by the game server, which means, if you don't get a specific letter for some time, don't worry and keep on grinding..
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Step 3 - Pick up your reward (Job Cave Challenge Box)
Grab your reward and crack it to claim one of the rewards listed below; (100% Success Chance)
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Note That;
1. The items listed above are untradeable. You can only use them for your own character.
2. The event is for a limited time so enjoy these free items while the event lasts.
3. You can repeat the quest. (How great is that?) However it is limited to 1 time / day. (You can re-take the quest after 23:59 server time)
4. The drops are limited to job cave monsters. (Not all of them)
5. When you collect 10 units of a specific letter, you won't be able to pick up anymore from this letter even if you get the drop.
Monster Names; (That drop letters)
- Blood Khepri
- Sand Scout
- Priest of Vengeance
- Priest of Punishment
- Devil Sandman
Here is the surprise:
Expect magic pop card drops from these monsters while grinding!
Because that would be fun yea?
3. Magic Pop
Job Cave Quest Reward [Gift Box] is now available in Magic Pop.
Electus Special -> Electus Box & Upgraders
4. Fortress War
Available Fortresses:
Jangan Fortress (35B Gold Reward)
The war will start on Sunday at 20.30 and end at 21.30
Sunday-Funday Events
Join us at Sunday-Funday Events on Sunday at 21:30.
Location => Donwhang South!
Phase 1
Unique Event at DW South (21:30)
Phase 2
Unique Event at Whole Map (21:50)
Phase 3
Search N Destroy Event (21:55)
Phase 4
Hide N Seek Event (22:05)
Phase 5
Roc Spawn at Donwhang South (22:15)
Roc[STR] Spawn at Donwhang West (22:15)
Phase 6
PvP Tournament (22:30)
PvP Tournament (21st Edition)
Show them who is the best.
Go to this link to register for this week's PvP Tournament:
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Weekly Discord Giveaway (Electus Boxes)
7 Winners will be choosen during the maintenance period.
Stay tuned on Discord.
Please contact Game Assistant Cocaine on Discord to claim your Electus Box reward.
Follow Electus Online on Facebook & Discord to get your freebie next time :-)
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