Originally Posted by Ishtaria
Here's "[something Korean] Purified" an armour-costume that's an official reskin of the Beze armour-costume in white. Looks nice but there's no direct matching weapons (like with Beze). The closest match would be Opaniel weapons.
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Looks pretty, like a job done in paint...
Origin had more original content than this garbage of selvel.
Why not just make a program/webpage to let players submit skins, armors or costumes they would like to have in game? Thats better than just making a random edit of an existing in game Armor every 2-5 years.
PWI/YNK is lazy and dumb for not usign its comunity to improve the game.
To bad im broke but with asdfrohans moddding suit I could come up with way better ideas and new content for a full featured server. Rohan can be kept classic with new content that doesnt interfere or change the original content. Want new interesting contet? Just look at other MMOs, ARPGs for interesting ideas.