Originally Posted by GODSENT1337
I supported 2004 when it was in beta x)
Year 2004, seems also to be the year you were born :bandit::mofo::pimp::kekw:
Oh? is that so, can i test it on a PC with windows 10 v 2004 on it then? :kappa:
I'd get into discussion about my age but I dont want to put myself to your level. Atleast not all of my threads are marked as "angry" and your "vouches" which count up to more than "25" even tho the slot is only 25. It isn't hard to get 25 actual customers if you provide quality product but really all you're here for is to scam people out of their money. Waiting for the day when you do your exit scam. :bandit:
Forgot to mention about ur shitty comic sans signature too, :lul: