returned warrior ?

06/21/2011 08:54 LAJTNING#46
You misunderstood something here, np... And sry but I can't be "bought" with some unique accessories. I'm not saying I won't play the game etc, but this stfu and be happy they give you a tiny bit at least is complete nonsense. I'm not gonna jump around in happiness just because this fck-up company does this one thing right. It's the way things should go you know... nothing exceptional, nothing special.

I'll set up a p-server just for you, come play and pay and maybe you'll get some left-over sometime. Guess you'd be happy with that too.

And I still don't care that some of the active players will ofc get this award on other accs, because it's still not aimed at "loyal", active players but at those who didn't play for a while. The only events we get is kinda this, and sometimes a buy-wc-to-win """event"""... To hell with these and do some fun events regularly ingame at last, then maybe you can tell me to go stfu.

From wz's point of view, I'd say it's rather a "why give the whole hand (which we should/could) when they're happy with the finger only" situation, so I don't agree on this with you neither. This's just another little crum to lure back inactive players before HH (which is ofc the obvious thing to do), but it's nothing more...
06/21/2011 09:55 P!tch#47
Man P!tch made WTF-imdoinyamom come back ig, only with 2 screens^^

btw lm@o died?

/secret :p
06/21/2011 13:30 WTF-imdoinyamom#48
Originally Posted by LAJTNING View Post
You misunderstood something here, np... And sry but I can't be "bought" with some unique accessories. I'm not saying I won't play the game etc, but this stfu and be happy they give you a tiny bit at least is complete nonsense. I'm not gonna jump around in happiness just because this fck-up company does this one thing right. It's the way things should go you know... nothing exceptional, nothing special.

I'll set up a p-server just for you, come play and pay and maybe you'll get some left-over sometime. Guess you'd be happy with that too.

And I still don't care that some of the active players will ofc get this award on other accs, because it's still not aimed at "loyal", active players but at those who didn't play for a while. The only events we get is kinda this, and sometimes a buy-wc-to-win """event"""... To hell with these and do some fun events regularly ingame at last, then maybe you can tell me to go stfu.

From wz's point of view, I'd say it's rather a "why give the whole hand (which we should/could) when they're happy with the finger only" situation, so I don't agree on this with you neither. This's just another little crum to lure back inactive players before HH (which is ofc the obvious thing to do), but it's nothing more...
you should calm down man, im not angry or something just
im not here to flame everyone right, it wasnt ment on you so please dont be so serious, relax about the game , cuz they won't evolve in service

<3 pitch, rip lmfao
06/21/2011 13:48 LAJTNING#49
Who's angry, lol? You should stop thinking that someone who uses punctuations, etc. is serious and takes the game seriously too... I'm sorry that I'm used to writing this way. :)

I just said that I don't agree with what you said is all... but ofc the most convenient reply is "don't be so serious, lol"... Well I'm not, and I'm calm as I can be so... get used to my style; or don't. Tbh idc, but I don't like when other people tend to know my emotinal state better than me. ;d
06/21/2011 13:58 WTF-imdoinyamom#50
Originally Posted by LAJTNING View Post
Who's angry, lol? You should stop thinking that someone who uses punctuations, etc. is serious and takes the game seriously too... I'm sorry that I'm used to writing this way. :)

I just said that I don't agree with what you said is all... but ofc the most convenient reply is "don't be so serious, lol"... Well I'm not, and I'm calm as I can be so... get used to my style; or don't. Tbh idc, but I don't like when other people tend to know my emotinal state better than me. ;d
nvm you are way too cool for me
06/21/2011 13:59 LAJTNING#51
(talking about taking things serious.. ha) /sarcasm off - Never said that, never will.

↓ telling my opinion =/= flaming... but again this is my opinion. :D
06/21/2011 14:00 <†>Minera<†>#52
Just stop this useless falamecrap all I'm saying. Just wait till the 23rd and see what is what etc...
06/21/2011 14:38 iamabot#53
I just logged my accounts on today after about 5-6 months of them being inactive, does this mean i cant get the returned warrior prize?
06/21/2011 14:43 WTF-imdoinyamom#54
Originally Posted by iamabot View Post
I just logged my accounts on today after about 5-6 months of them being inactive, does this mean i cant get the returned warrior prize?
nobody knows atm how the system really is going, we just assume some things

just log in the 23d and hope you get items
06/21/2011 14:57 errorplus#55
new wings:
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06/21/2011 15:38 zeljko86#56
I said it once ill say it again: GAY GAY GAY.

Ok last orange infs are cool, the rest... ... ...

WTS gay wings /w me after 23rd.
06/21/2011 16:13 errorplus#57
normal infi are betters for me

i want black infi xD
06/21/2011 16:26 P!tch#58
Guys lets try to be consice and logic
My thought is ::

R2 Online (alias Archlord 2) test thingy is coming out on the 23rd ([Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...])

So ma logic is (thinking like a commercial wanting to make a load sh** of money)

1. Give these new items to arbitrary nubs (like me ofc), and make them come online on the 23rd.
2. On that same date make full advertising for R2 too
3. So some will come back and maybe stay in AL. Others test R2 Online
4. Wait 2-3 weeks and give some HH info bit by bit, so that everyone gets tons of cc etc
5. Then make a pre-release of HH

6. Add those cc items ig (make some more money)
7. Release HH

So (lets hope i'm wrong) maybe HH not before 4-6 weeks......

Someone agrees to ma logic? or should i gtfo ? :p
06/21/2011 16:29 <†>Minera<†>#59
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06/21/2011 16:39 P!tch#60
Originally Posted by <†>Minera<†> View Post
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i goo off topic once more.... is Berserker moving his small balls on eveng? come u too :p