[Tool] Twisted Fate Card Picker

11/12/2010 13:51 Tobias#16
Ja Questionable Content. Die Statistiken wurden natürlich geshopped.
Wenn du mir nicht glaubst frag Fevii oder Kazaa bzw. Zorkas... Horst...
11/13/2010 14:14 batu321#17
I set the Resolution and everything right but if i start the bot he's doin' nothing Q_Q
I tried windowed and fullscreen ! Both dun work Q_Q
IM Q_Qing so hard xD
11/13/2010 14:17 9DBuffer#18
Originally Posted by batu321 View Post
I set the Resolution and everything right but if i start the bot he's doin' nothing Q_Q
I tried windowed and fullscreen ! Both dun work Q_Q
IM Q_Qing so hard xD
Did you set the hotkeys?

For example:

Blue = 1 (keys above the qwerty keyboard)
Red = 2
Gold = 3
ON/OFF = 0

Toggle the ON/OFF, you should hear the "Activated" sound...

If its still not working, you HAVE to disable your visual styles (follow the link #1 post).

Follow these steps and it will work ;)
11/13/2010 14:24 batu321#19
Hotkey and then activate ?
11/13/2010 14:26 9DBuffer#20
Originally Posted by batu321 View Post
Hotkey and then activate ?
Yes in the options menu, you see that?

You need to define your hotkeys.

The Red/Blue/Gold cards and ON/OFF the bot hotkey,

If you hit Start Bot, it will minimize to tray, the hotkey is from then ACTIVATED,
so hit the hotkey of the ON/OFF and you should hear "Activated" or "Deactivated" sound
11/13/2010 14:27 Tobias#21
Kurze Info auf Deutsch :
Du musst es aktivieren und dann den Hotkey drücken. Wenn du dann W drückst versucht er die vorher durch den Hotkey bestimmte Karte zu ziehen.
Sollte das nicht der Fall sein stimmen einige Einstellungen nicht, bei mir hat z.B. das deaktivieren der Visual Styles geholfen.
11/13/2010 14:32 batu321#22
ok i disabled the visual styled
and used Win 7 Basic
I started the bot hit F my Hotkey for activate and hit D for Gold Card ^^ I think my options are right ! You know what i can do ??
11/13/2010 16:36 prustel#23
Open the options and change the resolution to ur resolution(like 1920x1080).
Then press the save button and hit start the bot.
It automaticly activate the bot now and u dont need to press the hotkey for activate it again.
Then press ur hotkey for the gold card and "W" for ur skill.
Now it should pick the gold card automaticly.
The chance is good, but sometimes it picks the blue card and rarely the red card.
11/14/2010 15:55 batu321#24
AHAHAH XD i know what my problem was ... I have my skills on 1234 over qwer so it pressed w and nothing happened ... Its working now thank you for the great programm ^^ But can you maybe make a new version with 2 as w xD That would be awesome O_O
11/15/2010 10:31 9DBuffer#25
Originally Posted by batu321 View Post
AHAHAH XD i know what my problem was ... I have my skills on 1234 over qwer so it pressed w and nothing happened ... Its working now thank you for the great programm ^^ But can you maybe make a new version with 2 as w xD That would be awesome O_O
bind it as another hotkey, you can do mousebounds too:

like your mouse3 (scroll middle mouseclick) -> blue
mouse4 (extra mouse button) -> red
mouse5 (extra mouse button) -> gold
11/17/2010 19:21 batu321#26
Originally Posted by 9DBuffer View Post
bind it as another hotkey, you can do mousebounds too:

like your mouse3 (scroll middle mouseclick) -> blue
mouse4 (extra mouse button) -> red
mouse5 (extra mouse button) -> gold
I think you missunderstood me i ment the 2 Key above W as W because is use 1234 for my Skills ^^ 1Q 2W 3E 4R You know what i mean ?
11/18/2010 12:41 Franzknut#27
funzt er immer noch mit dem jetztigen patch?

btw: bei mir haben die buttons keine schrift. also sind leer. (habe xp)
11/20/2010 05:12 9DBuffer#28
It is still working for the current patch!
11/26/2010 07:52 msoliman_85#29
this thing does not work for me
i dont hear the activated sound, i set up a key and followed all the instructions
11/26/2010 13:38 9DBuffer#30
Originally Posted by msoliman_85 View Post
this thing does not work for me
i dont hear the activated sound, i set up a key and followed all the instructions
You hit "start bot" and then hit the activation key!