[Release]Cooldown/cast/Backward shoot hacks.

03/11/2010 03:58 kulspruta#16
screens with steps will be soon.You can decrease value for 0,6 sec.So if you have your CD 30min (tp skill) you can make only 29min54sec lol,its useless for skills with big CD,its pretty good for fireball,lighting bolt, etc. (for skills with 1sec cd)
03/11/2010 07:09 DevilMaster#17
I am not trying to achieve total 0.0 CD as it was stated that 0.6 was min. The problem is that even decreasing Cd from say 8.8 to 4.0 didn't make any difference. The skill still waited the full 8.8 sec before reuse. However, the skill description did show that it had 4.0 CD. Also, first post refers to Elec Bolt as Lightening Bolt, which is also valid, but makes no changes in the game. From the looks of it, the animation has to be edited out as well in order to make the changes in CE actually work...
03/11/2010 08:03 Eugine#18
Калспрут у тя нюбо темпест на кронусе?)))
03/11/2010 10:55 Bobrilko#19
о калспрута откуда такой прилив щедрости? удивлён) притом приятно) спс)
03/11/2010 12:49 kulspruta#20
Originally Posted by Bobrilko View Post
о калспрута откуда такой прилив щедрости? удивлён) притом приятно) спс)
пожалуйста ;)
03/11/2010 16:04 Bobrilko#21
мож у тя ктото акк спер?)
03/12/2010 11:49 kulspruta#22
яж грю в рек не играю уже, захожу чтобы протестить то,или иное.Продать ченить, и все :)
03/12/2010 15:37 Bobrilko#23
решил поделиться секретами=) благодарствуем=)
03/13/2010 07:23 Sirmabus#24
I found it in the client's skills list so I can automate it.

I looked at the send packet (code 0xE2DF) to time between them.
I spam the Bolt spell/skill key button as fast as I can.

On average with out the reduction my bolts around around 2 seconds apart.
With this on it's down to around a ~1.5 gap. And there is still more experimenting to do..

Will be a nice DPS increase for bots, but of course don't be an idiot and use it for PVP (yea some will be an idiot anyhow).
(FYI because of this, I can't include it in ReqBot until I find a way to turn it ON or OFF).

By the way the main skill packet is very simple:
struct tPACKET_E2DF
		HEADER tHeader;
		UINT   uID;           // Skill ID
		BYTE   Flag;         // 0 = AOE, 1 = solo target skill
		UINT   uTargetID;  // Target ID
		float x, y, z;         // For AOE when Flag = 0
As you can see there is little room for everything else (nothing in the header either, it's only 8 bytes).
So playing with the critical chance values (from the VDK or memory) probably does nothing.
03/13/2010 14:15 TheX#25
One question:
Isnt this the same as [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...] ? Just that here i cahnge the memory ingame and with the VCK file i change the source file?

Or am i able to do more with this?
I tryed it but its a bit weired i couldnt find the right adress order now, and im normaly low - normal experienced CE user
03/13/2010 15:04 dwar#26
Isnt this the same as
completely the same, but this "playing" with CE is tiresome
am i able to do more with this
03/14/2010 11:28 kulspruta#27
[14/03/2010]Обновлено, добавлены подробные скрины.
[14/03/2010]Updated, added detailed screens in /RUS/ section[same as /eng/ version]
03/20/2010 07:39 Arkana#28
I have tried this with my elem, protector and avenger, in the 3 was a fail only visual, but no real changes. dunno maybe i need bypasser.
03/20/2010 11:54 kulspruta#29
Originally Posted by Arkana View Post
I have tried this with my elem, protector and avenger, in the 3 was a fail only visual, but no real changes. dunno maybe i need bypasser.
What do you try?Make SS and i help you.
03/20/2010 23:29 Arkana#30
I was trying make Low Blow cool down be 1 second or 2, and in traps the same with paralize trap. but the msg skill isnt ready appear.