[Collection Thread] I'm searching for a dev/team

07/15/2013 14:35 berkmen1#16
I searching team.I know make/edit npc,patcher launcher,Mid-level SQL coding,ı coding simple level know site. bla bla bla.
Consideration when the server is on DEV ranking.
Send Me PM ı know all langue :D
Je recherche un team.I savoir faire / modifier npc, lanceur de patcher, à mi-niveau codage SQL, je codage simple niveau sais site. bla bla bla.
Considération lorsque le serveur est sur ​​le classement DEV.
Envoyez-moi PM Je sais tout language: D
07/18/2013 01:35 Strange2010#17
Power Server [Ar] is looking for adeveloper and a designer
What he must be able to do :

Developer :

Designer :

Contact me on skype : royal412011

Thanks .
08/06/2013 18:23 tokesbowls#18

Im opening my server to the public, and willing to pay for the host.

I am currently searching for:
1 Forum Moderator (You need to speak English)
1 Animator (Generates Events)
1 Web-Master (To code the site)
1 Web-Designer (Look, Images and ETC of the site)
2 Developpers

Feel free to contact me on my Skype: BadMonekysGamin
08/11/2013 17:59 iOn-Net#19
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[Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]

Be Smart use your find function to find information quicker
(CTRL + F)

1. My Introduction
2. Team Recruitment
3. Sponsorship
4. Payment Info
5. Long Term Goals
6. Requirements
7. Sponsorship Gamelist
8. Application Format
9. Dedicated Server Specifications
10. How to contact me

Hello everyone,

I'd like to inform you that this is a long and detailed thread about what I'm looking for, the requirement, etc. If you don't like to read then this sponsorship/team recruitment thread isn't for you.

1.My Introduction
(This is a long introduction, Included is my Private Server Gaming Past and History)


2.Team Recruitment

This Team in short that i am looking for will be one for the long-term. I don't wish to do work with people who just get up and leave without any explanation or people who tell me ahead of time. The team will start off being a medium sized, reason being big teams are hard keep in order amongst themselves and small teams always have issues getting the work done. All in all team recruitment with me will be thoroughly done, I do do background checks on your work just to make sure I'm not working with liars and deceivers. Which is basically a good majority of the Private Server Industry.


This sponsorship is a paying one first off. If you do a important job pertaining to your position you will be paid weekly or every two weeks. I will be contact with all team members via skype or phone call. As its better to talk to a person and get to know them vocally then talking to some random person who hides behind there screen, then disappears when you need them most(Due to past experience). I want mature people on my staff/team if you do not know what your doing that's an instant boot from the team.

4.Payment Info

As i said above your pay will be every week or every other week. Based on position for example, If your a graphic designer you will be paid a set amount after the completion of your work. I take the money that the network makes seriously as it, isnt all mine its the combined earning of all the staff members; Designers and coders alike. If your not mature enough to do your job then ask for payment after doing nothing.. Thats a sure way to lose your position.

5. Long Term Goals

The goals that i have set for my team/future network are the following :
1. To be known as a major Private Network Franchise
2. Have a close nit staff which can turn into a family
3. Have at least 3~4 Games on my network within the next 2-3 years.
4. Bring together a nice/awesome community

6. Requirements

1. Must be a Mature (IMPORTANT)
2. Have skills relating to C++,Java,HTTP,GFX, etc. Based on Position
3. Have a online time of at least : 5~6 hours a day (Varies depending on position)
4. Be able to talk Via Skype, Phone or other method of Voice Chat
5. Have atleast 1~2 years of experience with the game your developing.

7. Sponsorship Game List


8. Application Format
This Application should be posted here or private messaged to me here on Elitepvpers. All applications will be reviewed in 1~2 business days and you will be replied too via PM or here in this thread.

(Click Spoiler to and copy the application)


Game you are going to be using:
Known Languages:
Reason for Applying ?:
Experience in your Gaming Genre(How long have you played?):
Staff Experience(Since I'm Assuming your a Dev/Owner have you had any past experience in being on ?):
Any other information you want to tell me?:
Kind of Work you've done(Pictures If Possible):
Your Team members experience(Your Other Dev's,WebCoder,Etc):
Contact(Place your Email Here): Skype/Yahoo/MSN

9. Dedicated Server Specifications

All Specs depend on what you need for the server to run and run smoothly.


+ Xeon E3-1230 Processor ~ 2 x Xeon E5-2630
+ 8GB RAM ~ 128GB (Depends on What you need)
+ 4 Cores ~ 12
+ 500GB SATA HD ~ 2 x 1TB SATA
+ 10TB Bandwidth
+ Remote Reboot
+ 5 IP Addresses ~ 12 IP Addresses
+ 100Mb/s Port

10. How to Contact me

1. Send me a Friend Request on Skype
2. "Xiroshiro" is the name to search
3. Post your Application with the friend request
08/13/2013 16:57 capitello#20
je recherche un develloppeur/ codeur pour serveur 8.1 FR en passe de devenir en 8.2. Merci de m'ajouter sur skype. Alexandre Bayon (DAX) merci
09/05/2013 13:29 Jack80029#21
Hallo Zusammen,

Wir versuchen momentan einen Rappelz Pserver aufzubauen jedoch
kenne ich mich nicht so gut mit den ganzen Datenbanken
etc, ich habe zwar etwas Ahnung von dem ganzen und komme auch
ganz gut zurecht

jedoch fehlt in unserem Team einfach jemand der mehr Ahnung von den
ganzen Files und Datenbank einträgen hat wir haben erst versucht
jemanden in unserem Freundeskreis zu finden jedoch spielt dort jemand
selten Rappelz,

Und dann dachten wir uns wir schreiben einfach mal hier ein Beitrag:

Was haben wir?
  • Einen Root Server wo man drauf testen kann (läuft)
  • Jemanden der sich um Grafiken kümmert
  • Einen Teamspeak 3 Server um Sachen zu klären
  • Einen Anfänger der die Files bearbeitet (ich)
  • Einen Rappelz Server mit den 8,1 Files

Unser Team:
  • Namida (22 Jahre) Erfahrende Rappelz Spielerin (GM)
  • Jack (18 Jahre) Files bearbeiter (Anfänger) (Ich)
  • Lirain (26 Jahre) Designerin
  • Apple (18 Jahre) Techniker (Server und Teamspeak)
  • Raven (25+ Jahre) Erfahrender Rappelz Spieler (GM)

Was wollen wir erreichen?
Wir wollen einen erfolgreichen Rappelz Pserver auf die Beine stellen.
Wir haben alle mal auf einen Pserver und dem Offi Server gespielt und bringen
somit ein haufen Erfahrung mit.

Unser Team ist ebenfalls Nett und Hilfsbereit die arbeiten sind gut aufgeteilt
und niemand hat damit Probleme alle versuchen ihr bestes das Projekt immer weiter auszubauen jedoch fehlt uns derzeit ein Dev der sich etwas mehr mit den Rappelz Files und dem Server auskennt.

Was sind die Gegenleistungen?
Volle Rechte, ein gut aufgebautes Team und Respekt gegenüber den Dev
ebenfalls wird er nicht ständig danach gefragt wie lange das und das noch dauert wir wissen alle das dies seine Zeit braucht.

Ebenfalls muss er nicht 24/7 arbeiten sondern es reicht wenn er ein wenig
was schafft zu not kann er noch als kleiner Lehrer dienen und mir etwas
mehr bei bringen.

Daten vom Server:
  • 4x 2,0 Ghz
  • 1 TB Festplatten Speicher
  • 24 GB Ram
  • Brandbreite: 100 Mbit/s

Noch fragen? oder andere Probleme?
dann schreibt mir doch eine Privat Nachricht und antworte so schnell es geht
Lieben Gruß Jack
09/14/2013 22:29 ninex#22
Hello Epvp-erz

I have made a 8.1 server for private guild use but some things I just don't know how to get to work. I am looking for someone to show me how to use the the tools I have downloaded off the forums. they also need to know SQL how to Resource client files and able to work with RDB-NUI-DDS files and Needs to know and speak English.

This is NOT a long-term position an hour a night for 2 to 3 weeks, but I am willing to pay $50.00 USD per hour of help. Payment would be made after every hour via paypal.

Send replies via PM

09/24/2013 21:14 Jssom#23
I need a Dev or team of Dev's to create me the whole server / updater / apply patches / able to code new scripts / config an account creating script skype me : jssomxx
09/25/2013 22:34 Romentiq#24
Hallo, ich bn auf Der suche nach einem DEV, der mir un meinem Team ein bischen noch helfen würde mit neuen Items/Dungeons erstellen.

Falls wer Interresse haben sollte mir bitte eine pm schicken :D

09/27/2013 15:01 cece1812#25

I'm a rappelz dev (lua, sql) and i'm looking for a team to build a private server.

Contact me on skype : kurochiara

I'm french and english.

Good game

11/07/2013 17:58 genez2013#26
Looking for a nice-ranked experienced photoshopper, contact me at skype with some samples of your work and skills.(genezuk2013)

We're launching a new server, Rappelz Reborn, previously Ion/Freedom, our team contains serious rappelz developers and thats why we need a serious photoshopper.
11/07/2013 20:32 berkmen1#27
im good at npc,photoshop,launcher,lua. im not good at sql. looking good server.
11/12/2013 00:50 ismokedrow#28
Offering the following products/services:

- Root Server Setup (Includes basic tips/tricks + database secure setup + opt configuration)
- Unique Registration System (SQLSRV/PHP)
- Unique Login and Integrated User Systems (PHP)
- Custom Made RDB Editor
- Database Security Management Lessons
- Rappelz Team Viewer Tutor Sessions
- Custom Server-Management Tool Creation

PM me to inquire about prices.

11/16/2013 14:11 Sinatres#29
Looking for a Graphist to work on a few icons please contat me on my skype. (Skype= Sinatres)
11/21/2013 22:58 dogggyman50#30
In a last attempt effort I shall post here.. I am currently looking for a team that consist of a Devs for LUA, SQL, PHP and a web designer... I am looking to reopen a once #1 server of mine which was known as Rappelz Legacy new server name is Legacy Rebirth .. message me on skype i will answer in a timely manner usually skype is shaun.walker2009

Thanks ...