Shaiya Server - GM Commands

10/03/2011 00:17 JohnHeatz#241
look on your database, it isn't any hard to do

Use PS_GameDefs
Select MobID from dbo.Mobs where MobName = 'Dios Exiel'
11/13/2011 08:10 dizzykill#242
ok what is HG,VG,CG,OG,IG cause its really starting to bug me that i dont know :/
11/17/2011 18:42 vencitozi#243
any know why commands /notice ''text'' not work /notice [GM]Name ''text'' not work ?
pls help me :)
11/18/2011 02:08 JohnHeatz#244
There isn't such command as /notice [[GM]Name] "text" yet /notice " [text] " (last " are optional) works just if you have GM status
11/20/2011 09:05 andya78#245
Originally Posted by adamkoolkid2 View Post
kk i got em here:

Cryptic One- 1700/1800
Parrdalis- 1701/1801
Bilzabeth- 1702/1802
Alcarian the Flame- 1703/1803
Alcarian the Flame- 1714/1814
(theres two Alcarians ones an earth ele ones a fire ele)
Deinos the Dream- 1704/1804
Kirhiross- 1705/1805
Nantarios- 1706/1806
Cryptic the Immortal- 1716/1816

Not sure why there are two codes for all CT Bosses but im sure theres a reason xD
possibly cryptic throne code and the new code for the 70 dungeon
11/21/2011 02:33 EndlessBane#246
Does anyone have codes for alter locations? So I can move to alters easily. Thanks for any help. :)
11/21/2011 03:22 JohnHeatz#247
Why not to simply go there once and get the coordenates? That will make it for sure
11/21/2011 10:46 Phantomangel042#248
Originally Posted by andya78 View Post
possibly cryptic throne code and the new code for the 70 dungeon
Uhh, I didn't read all the way through the thread, so I don't know how long ago adam posted that, but I'm sure he figured it out by now. xD

And the answer is, because the bosses in Light and Fury sides' original level 60 Cryptic Thrones are different and have different drops (even on OS, Light CT bosses dropped Light gear, and Fury bosses dropped Fury gear). Ergo, 2 identical bosses were required to segregate faction drops.

Nothing to do with ROTCO at all. =P
11/29/2011 16:29 ludiaidva93#249
I want to ask why the server do I stand on pause?
12/12/2011 20:08 catalinbebe#250
Any know how to get GM at players?plz...
12/12/2011 22:09 JohnHeatz#251
You need to go into PS_UserData.dbo.Users_Master and set the status to 16

Use PS_UserData
Update dbo.Users_Master set Status = 16 
where [condition]'better if you do it through 
the ID of the user, obviously'
03/10/2012 18:42 texasrulez#252
Anyone know how to Use /Itemlv ? and If so what are the steps?
03/10/2012 21:29 RebeccaBlack#253
/itemlv #

Useless command. It only changes the visual glow effect of your weapon. And only for you too. No one else can see the change, nor does it change anything permanently.
03/21/2012 14:41 NeverDie..#254
guys anyone can answer to my question ? where can i try the GM commands anyone can open 1 server and open it in hamachi pm me skype <-- ggriszhaber64 thanks
03/21/2012 16:37 JohnHeatz#255
Why not just set up a local test server for that purpose? I certainly think it is kind of hard that someone gives you GM rights on any server just for you to "test the GM commands"