-Added TheFeckless to the SDK credits ( Forgot him last time, im sorry

-Resized the credits
-Corrected the version number in the ingame menu
-Added injection settings for people who have problems with the standard settings to try something else
-Added Underwater Mode
-Added more checks to avoid crashes
-Fixed the AVA has stopped working error
-Optimized the Trigger Bot
-Replaced On Screen Kill with Kill Aiming On ( Kills everyone within your crosshair instantly )
-Fixed crashing when spam clicking on enable/disable God Mode
-Fixed Super Jump not turning off when enabling/disabling it too fast
-Added Box Hack with custom Box amount per click
-Added Battle Item Spawner
-Added another kind of Spam Bot
-Made the Spam Bots slower to avoid DCing
-Removed some not working weapons from the Weapon List
-Compressed the DLL for a faster injection
I'm not responsible if you get banned.
Attention: This hack may not work on 32bit systems and Windows 8! If it does then you're lucky, if not then don't post anything about it instead of spamming the thread.
Aimbot: Aims for you.
-Auto Aim: Check this to let the Aimbot aim automatically, otherwise press the selected Aim Key to aim.
-Triggerbot: Check this to let the hack fire automatically when you are aiming on an enemy player.
-Auto Scope: Check this to let the Aimbot scope in automatically.
-Limit FOV Angle: Check this to let the Aimbot aim only if the target is standing within the selected FOV Angle.
-Smoothing: Check this to let the Aimbot aim smoothly.
ESP: Makes you able to see other players through walls.
-Box ESP: Draws a 2D or 3D box around the target.
-Health ESP: Draws a health bar on the right side of the target.
-Num(eric) Health ESP: Draws the current HP of the target above it's head.
-Name ESP: Draws the target's name over it's head.
-Distance ESP: Draws a value under the target which makes you able to see how far the target is away from you.
-Snap Lines: Draws a 2D line between the bottom middle of your screen and the target.
God Mode: Makes other players unable to kill you and hides your name on activation.
Super Jump: You can jump as high as you have set the Super Jump Height timer on the Settings tab.
Speedhack: Speeds up your character.
Respawn: Respawns your character.
Suicide: Kills your character.
Switch team: Switches your characters team.
Name Stealer: Steals names from other players to make it harder for them to find out your real name.
Underwater: Let's the game look like you are playing underwater.
Hack Score: Adds some kills / attack score / defense score etc. to your score.
Hack Deaths: Adds some deaths to your score.
Add Dog Tags: Gives you tons of dog tags as long as the function is activated.
Add Boxes: Gives you Boxes in Co-op missions.
Battle Item Spawner: Makes you able to spawn/remove Battle Items like Shield, Teleport or Scan.
UAV Enemy: Automatically UAV's the enemy (Also visible for other players in your team).
Teleport Grenade: Gives you a teleport grenade.
Bubble Enemy: Lets the enemy next to you fly in the air inside of a bubble.
One Position Kill: Instantly kills every enemy in your current game room, including pikes in BG:Extreme but sometimes not the BG:Extreme Boss.
Old Spam Bot: Spams the game chat.
New Spam Bot: Spams above the game chat ( Look at the screenshot ).
Antikick(/Report): Makes other players unable to kick you ingame. When this function gets enabled before joining a game, the players are also unable to report you (You can check this if you can see your name and an empty loading bar on the top right of the screen ingame). When you get kicked ingame while having this function activated, you will automatically switch your team instead of getting kicked (Known bugs: Sometimes you do not get any rewards after a game).
No Spread: Removes the weapon spread.
No Recoil: Removes the weapon recoil.
Crosshair: Draws a crosshair in the middle of your screen.
Kill Aiming On: Kills everyone you're aiming on (Not working with bots and kills everyone even if you have binoculars or sth like that in your hand

Superweapons: Every weapon shot fires as many bullets as you set with the Superweapons Bullet Amount Per Shot slider on the Settings tab.
Knife Range: Changes the range of your knife to the range you have set with the Knife Range slider on the settings tab.
Rapid Knife: Changes the firing rate of your knife to the firing rate you have set with the Knife Hit Delay slider on the Settings tab.
UAV Enemy (visual): Does the same like UAV Enemy but other players in your team cannot see it.
Instant Fire: Gives your current weapon an extremely high firing rate (Only for weapons that fire bullets).
Change Game Speed: Changes the speed of the entire game room you are currently in to the speed you have set with the Game Speed slider on the Settings tab.
End Game: Ends the game you are currently in.
End Round: Ends the round of the game you are currently in.
Kick Random Enemy: Kicks Random players in the enemy team.
No Weapon Bob: Removes the weapon bob.
Spawn Item (Numpad 1): Spawns the item you have currently selected in the item list box.
Give On Respawn: Spawns the item you have currently selected in the item list box every time you respawn.
Drop Item (Numpad 0): Drops the item your character currently holds in his hands (Some items cannot be dropped).
HOOAH07 (Big thanks for the base project and making this all possible as well as for helping me out with almost every problem i had)
Credits for the SDK: TheFeckless, HOOAH07, uNrEaL, Tamimego, SystemFiles, R00T88, _silencer, the1domo, K@N@VEL
Jeon (Another big thanks for helping me out with some problems as well as for the string encryption and the aimbot)
zZzeta/S (Another big thanks for helping me out with some problems, especially with weapon related functions and the 3D ESP boxes)
Credits for the hooking toolkit: Casual_Hacker
Credits for the bypass: Azn Nicholas
1.)Run the .exe
2.)Wait for the "Waiting for AVA..." window to appear
3.)Start AVA
4.)If the "Waiting for AVA..." changed to "Success!" after some seconds the hack is successfully injected.
5.)Use the ingame menu to enable/disable the functions. Toggle the menu with the Home / Pos1 key.
6.)If the injection failed just try again or use the Remove XIGNCODE3 from AVA function in the hack loader. If it keeps failing try to inject with another injection method or a different injection delay.
1.)Start this hack BEFORE starting AVA.
2.)ONLY working for UAVA hosted by AeriaGames.
Please report any bugs you find in this thread!

A special thanks as always to @Jason for his awesome injection library.
And don't forget to give me a thanks xDDD