Aion Bot v1.1.0
1. Updated to work with Aion client v1.5.1.7
2. Fixed bugs with hp/mp healing resting while being attacked.
3. Fully background hunting.
Aion Bot is a memory reading/writing program to be used with the MMORPG game 'Aion Online'. Its been created to help on the repeated keystrokes/mouse clicks and movements causing physical hand and risk injuries. This program is illegal, and using it with Aion can cause your accounts to be banned when caught. Be warned, usage of this program is at your own risk.
Feature List as of v1.00
1. Auto launch game and enter game world
2. Auto select target and attacks using skills (does not kill steal)
3. Auto heals,use pots or rests when HP/MP low
4. Automatic Buffing/Mantra skills and pickup items
5. Anti-stuck and death detection - return to hunt spot
6. Waypoint systems / Attack along waypoints
7. Use DP and HoT while attacking
8. Use aRadar to detect hostile characters to close or shutdown upon death
1. Aion Online without Gameguard
2. MS Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 32Bit/64Bit
3. Needs port TCP 5000 Open/Forward for Private Members
4. Recommend Aion runs in Window mode
More info here :
It works with the current Aion v1.5.1.7 and there's a 15mins trial. But click "Start" button to run again.