Paraly is it possible to make Vanilla "write" something in a txt file and even better add more contents to an existing txt (like append it in the end of the file or overwrite it etc)?
I have 64 chars and I would love to have something like a database in an excel sheet of all my chars' items and materials. Being able to save all the item contents in my inventory and quest inventory for every char I have would be awesome.
If it is too hard to make I understand.
Otherwise a simple command to append some text in the end of the existing file, or a command that writes into a file, overriding it if it exists would be awesome.
Something like this:
FileWrite=Filename.txt,Text here including variables etc;
FileAppend=Filename.txt,Text here including variables etc;
Now I am not sure how we could implement the "tab" ascii into this, but lets not make it too complicated.
FileWrite would delete all and simply save this only, we would use it to initialize it if we make a new entry and we want to start fresh with the file.
FileAppend would be used to add content.
And in the
filename.txt we could use it in the format of a variable probably? so we could make the file have the name of the char?
All this if it is possible to make it. the file will be saved in the same folder Vanilla is for simplicity.
A few of my clients have their script editor and vanilla closed automatically. I reopen it, load the script and after a few seconds it closes again.