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Roads to Survival with the Game Utility

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Roads to Survival with the Game Utility

Alright, I observe people from time to time making the same mistakes over and over. So I've decided, to post some do's and don'ts when you're using the hack. If you've been using the hack for awhile, you still may learn something you didn't know. But if you're new the using it, then these tips might save you from making the same mistakes we all have made at least once.

Always fill the progress bar at the very top to full before enabling auto mode. When it's not full, it will do absolutely nothing! Now you won't look stupid when you complain it doesn't work since you didn't follow the instructions.

Don't use auto on mobs that are too high level if you're a nuker. Why? First, there's an experience cap. Second, you will kill slower which means your blood count will go up slower, you'll get fewer drops, and you'll be meditating more than it's worth. If you need equipment for around your level, stick to white and yellow mobs. Exceptions can be made for certain mobs that are weak (ie: toads). Try to stay within 15 levels. Anything more and it's usually a waste of time.

Don't be afraid to use hack around people on the VN server. Most of them have it too. And those that don't, have friends that do and are use to it. Unless you have reason to believe the person is a GM or VGM, nobody will care.

Be respectful to other players if you're going to use auto in the same area.. Try to party them. Not only do you get exp bonus for each member of your party, but they will also be killing mobs. If you're not in a safe spot and happen to die they can resurrect you easier.

I don't want to respect anyone, they're in my spot! This only works on aggressive mobs, but if you're in the walls or on a mountain and you attack mobs, they won't be able to target you. They will instead run to the nearest target within range and attack them instead. Causing them to run and med often when they get overwhelmed with mobs. They usually leave after a short while. This is common in CC.

Don't try to teleport out of a wall or mountain to grab that irresistible item if you're a nuker. Most of the time you will die unless you have VE shield. Have a friend or another character who can tank grab it.

Save 2 coordinates for every location you auto at for a long time. One that is nuker safe, and the other that is for picking up loot. For the reason above.

Use a tanking char or a healer to scout new spots. Make a note if the mobs can shoot ranged or not. Just mark the coordinates, increment the x-y a little and see where it goes. It's a bit of trial and error but it's worth it.

If your PC can handle running more than 1 instance of the game, you mise well auto with 2 characters. At later levels this will pay off. A good combo is a nuker with a healer, or a nuker with a hybrid. The healer for VE heal and buffs, and the hybrid for tanking and buffs.

If you're on a combat allowed map, try to pick spots that are not too close to the ground. Why? Higher levels running around will bring mobs near you and use an AOE which will hit and probably kill you.

If you're on a combat allowed map, try to find spots the game thinks are in a safe zone. There are few of these spots in CC, and some (even fewer) on the regular maps. While AOE can sometimes still hit you, most players don't think they can.

If you're on a combat allowed map, and a player has taken interest in you DO NOT ignore them. Most of the time, they will try to talk to you. Other times they will run towards you and attempt to teleport themselves close to you. These players aren't there to have a chat, they are there to PK you.

After you teleport to your auto spot, fill in the coords to a near village. Why? See reason above. You can teleport out quick in case of trouble.

If you're getting disconnected a lot when on auto, adjust your delay. Some skills work on a low delay, and some don't. If you're lagging, raise it up a bit. Spamming the server with packets while you're lagging is just going to make it worse. This setting is in milliseconds (1000 = 1 second)

My character keeps doing the wrong skill animation! Before you enable auto, select a mob and press the skill you will be using. Then enable auto. Whatever skill you see highlighted in your skill bar is the animation it will use when in auto.

Delay hack doesn't work with all skills. Certain skills like the 30 second resurrection skill will always be 30 seconds no matter what.

You can use self-only buffs on other players too. Simply select the skill, check buff, and add them to your friends list in the hack and start auto.

Use the map width and height of the hack to guess coordinates. This can save you a lot of time running around trying to get coords to a particular location. After awhile, you'll become a pro guessing where you want to go.

Don't keep getting PK'd in BP over and over trying to get into the cave entrance. First, you'll lose GK/BK every time you die. And you may lack the points for relics later on. Second, you're using a hack that can teleport, why not just teleport to the entrance? The coords are 127,127

Don't try to farm cc herbs when the server population is Normal or higher. Plain and simple this is a suicide mission. There are a enormous amount of high level players here and they have nothing else to do. BP is their home, and you're what's for dinner.

CC1 can be PK hell. Don't get relaxed because you made it into the cave without getting PK'd. More than likely within 10-15 minutes you're going to be attacked or killed if not the second you enter the cave.

Buff players in CC if they ask. If another player comes up to you and says anything with the word buff or 15, they're looking for buffs. This can be your ticket for not getting PK'd. In higher floors you won't get PK'd as often, and many players are just wanting to grind too. Ignoring or refusing to give them buffs is almost always a one-way ticket to BP. Don't flip a burger if they are the opposing side and hit you once after asking for buffs. After the combat timer runs out, you'll be able to give them buffs unless you use the hack to do it.

Don't think a player can't kill you if they're in the same clan. They don't have to use a mask to PK you if they're using the PK hack. Don't get confident that you're untouchable.

Always have a looting character in CC. I can't express how important this is. Most people that use the hack here don't have any means to pickup loot. Besides, you don't want to be leveling up without getting drops to sell or use. You'll end up being a poor noob. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten BE's, relics, and other items from people who can't loot. By using auto near another player who cannot pickup items, you double your chances for getting good drops.

Use 'Take Turns' in your party for Item Distribution mode. Your looting char will have a 50/50 chance to have rights to drops. Which helps preventing other players from getting your loot before you. This is even more important for boss mobs. Kill a regular mob before you finish the boss so that you know whose turn it is to get the next drop. And plan accordingly so your loot char has the rights.

Be careful when picking spots where mobs can run too far. When mobs can't reach you they run around trying to find a path. Sometimes this causes the monster to stray too far and get reset. Often this will cause you to get disconnected.

Don't move the distance setting too high. This is a no brainer for most of you, but what you may not know is you can actually get away with 22 just fine if you're using a 16 range skill. Sometimes you can pull off 24, although it's not as reliable.

Be mindful of the advantage you have doing heroic quests. If you're looking for some cool unique epithets, plan your execution of these quests using the hack. Start the quest, figure out what you need to do. Gather coords for mob locations and nuker safe spots. Also write down the coords to the NPC. Give Up the quest and start it over. The player who got the "Study under old experienced hero" epithet completed it in 7 seconds!

And that's it! Please give Thanks if you found this information useful, cause it took a long time to write
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Old 09/11/2009, 22:24   #2
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Ok, Im going to twik a few things you said ^^
Always fill the progress bar at the very top to full before enabling auto mode. When it's not full, it will do absolutely nothing! Now you won't look stupid when you complain it doesn't work since you didn't follow the instructions.
Okay, for this one, its important to let the top bar fill cause, not only will it do nothing
but it will also get you disconnected. That is annoying lol, cause then you have to relog
and wait ALL over again. Also people, to make it load faster, just buff yourself or run
around a bit ^^

Don't use auto on mobs that are too high level if you're a nuker. Why? First, there's an experience cap. Second, you will kill slower which means your blood count will go up slower, you'll get fewer drops, and you'll be meditating more than it's worth. If you need equipment for around your level, stick to white and yellow mobs. Exceptions can be made for certain mobs that are weak (ie: toads). Try to stay within 15 levels. Anything more and it's usually a waste of time.
Yes that is true, don't do that, but if your nuking skills are 10 and they're really good..
I find it good to kill higher mobs, and better drops for me, but that is my experience ^^

Don't be afraid to use hack around people on the VN server. Most of them have it too. And those that don't, have friends that do and are use to it. Unless you have reason to believe the person is a GM or VGM, nobody will care.
About the GM part and VGM, there are GMs and whatnot, don't get me wrong or anything, but they dont give a crap, since the server is f'ed up already, so hack
away ^^ They would only care, if you were dupe hacking XDD.

Don't try to teleport out of a wall or mountain to grab that irresistible item if you're a nuker. Most of the time you will die unless you have VE shield. Have a friend or another character who can tank grab it.
Okay, for this one, that's not always true, you won't die, unless the mob is aggressive..
but to be on the safe side..just wait a few minutes before teleporting out to grab your
drops ^^

If you're on a combat allowed map, try to pick spots that are not too close to the ground. Why? Higher levels running around will bring mobs near you and use an AOE which will hit and probably kill you.
That's not true at all, why? cause the mobs can't hit you, unless you attack them and
for some god-forsaken gay chance they glitch to were you are lol. This "glitch were you
are" happens, when the mob is close to you but cant hit you..or when they run FAR
away from your location, and respawn...then glitch to you and you die like crazy lol.

If you're getting disconnected a lot when on auto, adjust your delay. Some skills work on a low delay, and some don't. If you're lagging, raise it up a bit. Spamming the server with packets while you're lagging is just going to make it worse. This setting is in milliseconds (1000 = 1 second)
As for this one, the setting is at 600 when you start the hack...the safest setting is
400 for all skills that can be spammed, but..DO NOT..and I repeat...DO NOT GO UNDER 200...that is just wasting your VE. Why? cause what you're actually doing is spamming the skill but not hitting the mob, and that is slow exp and waste of your VE ^^

Don't try to farm cc herbs when the server population is Normal or higher. Plain and simple this is a suicide mission. There are a enormous amount of high level players here and they have nothing else to do. BP is their home, and you're what's for dinner.

Buff players in CC if they ask. If another player comes up to you and says anything with the word buff or 15, they're looking for buffs. This can be your ticket for not getting PK'd. In higher floors you won't get PK'd as often, and many players are just wanting to grind too. Ignoring or refusing to give them buffs is almost always a one-way ticket to BP. Don't flip a burger if they are the opposing side and hit you once after asking for buffs. After the combat timer runs out, you'll be able to give them buffs unless you use the hack to do it.

Don't think a player can't kill you if they're in the same clan. They don't have to use a mask to PK you if they're using the PK hack. Don't get confident that you're untouchable.
Okay people, this is a no-brainer..its COMMON SENSE!!, this server is all about hacking
lol, and OBVIOUSLY there are alot of HIGH AZZ level players already!! (that was for
the first paragraph in the quote)

Now, cmon people, if some viet comes along and ask for buffs, buff them, since this
server is vietnamese, and they can easily go to some high level and ask them to kill
you lol, and you have no way to respond since your english. It be safer to just buff
them xD, but sometimes they just started the game and don't know the classes that
very well (those are called noobs lol), and you're a warrior and they think you can buff,
try to respond in a way they would understand, or else you're a dead nub lol (this was
for the second paragraph in the quote)

Ok for this one, its also common sense, that the same faction/class can kill you, even
without the hack, so don't get all comfy, just cause you made a viet friend lol and they
are SO cool. Watch they turn around and start beating the living day lights out of your
health points lol ^^ (not saying all viets are mean lol, even we english do it to XD, watch
out for Absinthe or Ardorius lol ^^) (and obviously the last one in the quote)

Be careful when picking spots where mobs can run too far. When mobs can't reach you they run around trying to find a path. Sometimes this causes the monster to stray too far and get reset. Often this will cause you to get disconnected.
Yea, I mentioned this before, not only you would get disconnected, but there are chances
of you getting killed when they respawn, cause they can glitch your location and kill you
like HELL..and that's not cool loosing exp, but have NO FEARS!! you can't delevel in this
game lol.
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Old 09/11/2009, 22:36   #3

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Originally Posted by Nirf View Post
Okay, for this one, its important to let the top bar fill cause, not only will it do nothing but it will also get you disconnected. That is annoying lol, cause then you have to relog and wait ALL over again. Also people, to make it load faster, just buff yourself or run around a bit ^^
In the code, if the bar is not full the hack simply does nothing. So you shouldn't get disconnected.

Originally Posted by Nirf View Post
Okay, for this one, that's not always true, you won't die, unless the mob is aggressive.. but to be on the safe side..just wait a few minutes before teleporting out to grab your drops ^^
Waiting can help, if there are no other players around. Also, almost all mobs FD+ are aggressive.

Originally Posted by Nirf View Post
That's not true at all, why? cause the mobs can't hit you, unless you attack them and for some god-forsaken gay chance they glitch to were you are lol. This "glitch were you are" happens, when the mob is close to you but cant hit you..or when they run FAR away from your location, and respawn...then glitch to you and you die like crazy lol.
If the player is from the opposing side and does AOE on the mob when it's near you, it will hit you too.

Originally Posted by Nirf View Post
As for this one, the setting is at 600 when you start the hack...the safest setting is 400 for all skills that can be spammed, but..DO NOT..and I repeat...DO NOT GO UNDER 200...that is just wasting your VE. Why? cause what you're actually doing is spamming the skill but not hitting the mob, and that is slow exp and waste of your VE ^^
I have never had luck with 400, I get disconnected all the time. Either 600-800 here. Anything under 600 makes the connection unreliable for me.
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Old 09/12/2009, 00:59   #4
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In the code, if the bar is not full the hack simply does nothing. So you shouldn't get disconnected.
you have to considering other people also bro, just cause you may have no disconnections
from it, doesn't mean everyone does also ^^

Waiting can help, if there are no other players around. Also, almost all mobs FD+ are aggressive.
That's why I added in the "unless the mob is aggressive" part in my sentence ^^

If the player is from the opposing side and does AOE on the mob when it's near you, it will hit you too.
I'm not sure about this one, but if you're hacked in, it shouldn't be able to hit you..
I mean another player shouldn't be able to attack you, since to the game it sees you
as an object shooting balls of fire or electricity out of your area lol.

I have never had luck with 400, I get disconnected all the time. Either 600-800 here. Anything under 600 makes the connection unreliable for me.
For a nuker, 600 is the same rate that you get without the hack (in other words its like
a 10 second delay before nuking), higher then that is EXTREMELY slow as hell...I mean
imagine 10 second delay, but 10 times that >.>" I wouldn't want to be nuking like that..

I don't know about you ardorius, but you aren't really a nuker (a.k.a you're a hybrid)
so 300/350-400 is good for nukers. That's why I said that ^^
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Old 09/12/2009, 02:03   #5

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Originally Posted by Nirf View Post
I'm not sure about this one, but if you're hacked in, it shouldn't be able to hit you..I mean another player shouldn't be able to attack you, since to the game it sees youas an object shooting balls of fire or electricity out of your area lol.
I've had it happen to me few times by a HD guy. He lures a mob up as close as he can, then does his AOE and gg dead

Originally Posted by Nirf View Post
For a nuker, 600 is the same rate that you get without the hack (in other words its like a 10 second delay before nuking), higher then that is EXTREMELY slow as hell...I mean imagine 10 second delay, but 10 times that >.>" I wouldn't want to be nuking like that..

I don't know about you ardorius, but you aren't really a nuker (a.k.a you're a hybrid) so 300/350-400 is good for nukers. That's why I said that ^^
I have a nuker also. 600 for it is not the same rate without the hack because it is skipping the cast time animation. It is faster by a large amount, the cast time on the fast bleed nuke is 2000 ms.
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Old 09/12/2009, 07:29   #6
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This is like a quote war in here lol

I have a nuker also. 600 for it is not the same rate without the hack because it is skipping the cast time animation. It is faster by a large amount, the cast time on the fast bleed nuke is 2000 ms.
Really? I find it the same rate as without the hack usage, well anyway..for all you nukers
out there, try either of them..We just giving out our experiences in the game with the
hack lol..

I've had it happen to me few times by a HD guy. He lures a mob up as close as he can, then does his AOE and gg dead
A regular nub cannot come up to you, and nuke you to death, unless he using the same
hack or another one with similar concept of this one ^^
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Old 09/12/2009, 08:55   #7

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Originally Posted by Nirf View Post
A regular nub cannot come up to you, and nuke you to death, unless he using the same hack or another one with similar concept of this one ^^
These are opposing clan HD players coming into Nanjiang and using the 2nd role AOE nuke. It did over 3k damage to my hybrid at GB7. Remember, they don't have to click anything or use any hacks to attack you. They only need to be in range. Which is why you need to stay away from spots that are low to the ground and within range of AOE skills.
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Old 09/12/2009, 23:05   #8
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These are opposing clan HD players coming into Nanjiang and using the 2nd role AOE nuke. It did over 3k damage to my hybrid at GB7. Remember, they don't have to click anything or use any hacks to attack you. They only need to be in range. Which is why you need to stay away from spots that are low to the ground and within range of AOE skills.
*sigh* quote wars >.>", It makes no sense for someone to be able to hit you with a hack
on. I mean think about it, its like a mob hitting you lol, when your inside an object, and
it shouldn't be able to, unless its glitching in ^^

I wonder how long this will last....
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Old 09/13/2009, 00:32   #9

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Originally Posted by Nirf View Post
*sigh* quote wars >.>", It makes no sense for someone to be able to hit you with a hack
on. I mean think about it, its like a mob hitting you lol, when your inside an object, and
it shouldn't be able to, unless its glitching in ^^
Stay on the mountain in Nanjiang by the Deva Kings. The same guy runs by there every now and then. He's killed my nuker once, and nearly my hybrid one time. I watched him AOE 3 guys standing on the mountain in that same spot and they all died at the same time. Was pretty funny, if I ever make it to 2nd role I'm so doing this in Hangzhou.
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Old 09/13/2009, 01:03   #10
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Stay on the mountain in Nanjiang by the Deva Kings. The same guy runs by there every now and then. He's killed my nuker once, and nearly my hybrid one time. I watched him AOE 3 guys standing on the mountain in that same spot and they all died at the same time. Was pretty funny, if I ever make it to 2nd role I'm so doing this in Hangzhou.
Aight I'll try it later, if I have time >.>"
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Old 09/13/2009, 01:25   #11

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Originally Posted by Nirf View Post
Aight I'll try it later, if I have time >.>"
Oh also, I was messing around with the Game Utility code today and I noticed something I never realized. Whenever you're auto attacking mobs, it first waits for the delay time, sends the attack packet, then waits an additional 500ms. So when the delay is set to 500ms, it's really 1000ms that is delayed.
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Old 09/13/2009, 04:00   #12
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Oh also, I was messing around with the Game Utility code today and I noticed something I never realized. Whenever you're auto attacking mobs, it first waits for the delay time, sends the attack packet, then waits an additional 500ms. So when the delay is set to 500ms, it's really 1000ms that is delayed.
Oh cool lol...
Ill check it all out tomorrow...Im on sjSRO right now xD
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Old 09/13/2009, 06:25   #13

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Originally Posted by Nirf View Post
Oh cool lol...
Ill check it all out tomorrow...Im on sjSRO right now xD
Btw, the guy that does the AOE is [Kill_Boss] and he's online right now
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Old 09/13/2009, 07:00   #14
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Btw, the guy that does the AOE is [Kill_Boss] and he's online right now
Is he english?...ehh I forgot..half the people in there have english names...
*gasp*...same on 9dUS..omg!! viet invasion lol

they gonna get us for the *cough* viet war xD
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Old 09/13/2009, 07:26   #15

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Originally Posted by Nirf View Post
Is he english?...ehh I forgot..half the people in there have english names...
*gasp*...same on 9dUS..omg!! viet invasion lol

they gonna get us for the *cough* viet war xD
He's another Viet with an English name. I usually message these people to find out if they are English or not. So far I've struck out every time.
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