where can you find weapons and their damage? in which file ? thanks
Sorry Buddy!
I know how they use the Damage hack, and i won't explain to you.
It's easy. And I don't destroy the Game more than GC do it!
So **** off and get your Gear up to pwn some azzes.
Just noobs like you want to hack the Game.
Sorry Buddy!
I know how they use the Damage hack, and i won't explain to you.
It's easy. And I don't destroy the Game more than GC do it!
So **** off and get your Gear up to pwn some azzes.
Just noobs like you want to hack the Game.
[Guide] The real guide to editing .c3s 01/12/2011 - CO2 Weapon, Armor, Effects & Interface edits - 18 Replies There are probably alot of people that would not like me to release this, and definately alot that would. To be honest i think this should be public material so screw it, heres my guide to making c3 weps, it focuses more on actually creating the weps than plugins / what programs to use etc so to use this guide you should really have 3ds max 7 set up with the plugins etc beforehand.
#Request that this be stickied or whatever
#If you use this tut please thank meh :P
Download link to...
[Guide] DBC-Editing 10/26/2010 - World of Warcraft - 16 Replies Nachdem hier kaum einer weiß, wie man die DataBaseCache editiert, habe ich mich beschlossen, mal einen Guide zu schreiben :>
1. Also, erst mal müsst ihr euch DBC Util downloaden http://wowdev.org/files/index.php?act=view&id= 16 ]
2. Nun sucht ihr euch die .dbc file raus, in der ihr etwas changen wollt. Alle DatabaseCache-Files sind im Ordner eures Sprachclients (z.B. World of Warcraft\Data\enGB\). Es ist drauf zu achten, dass man immer die aktuellste dbc nimmt, zum Beispiel gibt es...
Guide to rsm editing 11/10/2009 - RO Guides & Templates - 8 Replies This question has been asked many times. Is it possible to open, edit, and create rsm files. Rsm files are the files that control all 3d objects in maps such as houses, statues, tables..ect. Of course the editing of them isnt very easy but this will give you a way to import and export rsm's very easily and edit them how ever you wish. Ive encluded 2 version's of the plugin RSMImp 5.0 and RSMImp 3.1 there plugins for 3D Studio MAX. 5.0 Only works with version 5.0 and the same with 3.1. The...
[GUIDE]Easy editing 01/26/2009 - EO Weapon, Armor, Effects & Interface edits - 8 Replies Hello dear epvpers, I will show you how to edit casuals/Eudemons/weapons here.
You only need 1 Programm.
Download it here.
Setting up the Programme
1-Download it
2-Install it wherever you want
3-Open XnView.