Originally Posted by eatmyplis
Definitely seems like a legit post, your friend already having all those priv servers. And yea if you hype up a release you'd definitely find a lotta people that wanna start it when it launches for a fair chance.
This is the guy that kept saying he's making a server in 2012, 2013, whatever.. why did you never make it? Did you just choose not to or you couldn't figure it out? Clearly you still care so I guess you couldn't do it..? what a **** waste of time D:
no flame intended but, Mega's been working on it from nearly scratch... Its not like its easy to deal with korean files....
Also. If you can manage to create a server, mind making it easier to level?
I'm pretty sure people are quite done levelling on official servers, taking days/weeks to max it and lets be honest, its a real PITA!