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Discussion on Curiosity within the 12Sky2 forum part of the MMORPGs category.
07/23/2009, 07:33
elite*gold: 0
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Is everybody elses Autoit Script working on 12 sky 2 MAYN, ? Because the process is hidden and autoit uses process, ? any way around it, person who helps me find a way to get my auto it code back working gets a free month of *** mode , Vac ETC
07/23/2009, 08:19
elite*gold: 0
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Interesting offer, will get back to you on that.
07/23/2009, 08:21
elite*gold: 20
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yea that's what i've been complaining about since the update. i'm hoping to use a dllcall or winappi to do the trick. maybe switch over to C++ coding orsomething. LOL.
07/23/2009, 10:40
elite*gold: 21
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got the exe back in processlist XD
07/23/2009, 10:41
elite*gold: 20
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no freaking way! >.< HOW?!?!
07/23/2009, 11:59
elite*gold: 0
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empty out the dunmgr file.
mine works btw.. XD
Open it with notepad.
delete everything
save it..
EDIT: Seems not still not work. We think that the reason mine works is because I'm running W7 64Bit.
07/23/2009, 18:25
elite*gold: 21
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choose the exe from the LONG processlist and autoit will still make his job.
07/23/2009, 19:30
elite*gold: 20
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thanks master. still don't know how you do it, but i think you've just given me an idea.
07/23/2009, 20:59
elite*gold: 0
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instead of looking at the process list, look at the window list. Process list just narow it down to programs you installed i believe? Process list include all the executables files? Something in that area.
07/23/2009, 22:36
elite*gold: 20
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process list is like that list when you open taskmanager. i don't think the windowlist function works to retrieve the PID which is needed by autoit to access the memory.
07/23/2009, 23:42
elite*gold: 21
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