ok its a little tricky and in chinese, have a play with its and hopefully youl get it working. i cant really do much more than i have here as im still messing without, im sure we can get it working nicely.
start exe and press here -

this opens bot log in setting

once logged in press

<<安魂曲>>RQ猎人中文脱机版功能介绍 <<Requiem>> RQ Hunter Chinese offline version Features
01. 基本保護 01. Basic protection
02. 攻击策略 02. Attack strategy
03. 怪物設定 03. Monster set
04. 怪物設定2 04. Monster set 2
05. 物品設定 05. Articles set
06. 輔助設定(未開放) 06. Auxiliary set (not open)
07. 回城設定 07. Settings back to the city
工具欄 Toolbar
1.新建帳號... :選擇一個帳號登陸 1. ... New Account: select a landing Account
2.結束當前帳號:將當前登錄的帳號關閉 2. The end of the current account: the current account log off
3.登陸:將當前帳號登入遊戲 3. Landing: the current account login game
4.登出:將當前帳號登出遊戲 4. Logged out: the current account will be logged out game
5.小退:當前未支持 5. Retreat small: currently does not support
6.集體登入:將當前所有帳號登入遊戲 6. Login collective: the current account log in all games
7.集體登出:將當前所有帳號登出遊戲 7. Collectives out: the current account out all games
8.開始/暫停挂機:開始/停止挂機程序的自動運行 8. Start / suspended hang up: start / stop the run automatically hang up procedures
9.設置...:對當前帳號進行設置 9. ... Settings: on the current account set
10.運行腳本:選擇一個腳本並執行 10. Run the script: Choose a script and the implementation of
11.暫停腳本/繼續腳本:暫停或繼續腳本的執行 11. Suspend the script / to the script: to continue or suspend the implementation of the script
12.終止腳本:結束當前腳本的執行 12. Termination of the script: the end of the implementation of the current script
01.基本保護 01. Basic protection

A. 下線/上線: A. offline / online:
HP< ***%時下線:當人物的HP低于設定值將退出游戲. HP <***%, off the assembly line: When the figure lower than the HP settings will withdraw from the game.
異常斷線XX秒上線:當出現異常斷線后,外掛將會在設定間隔時間內自動上線(建議用戶把間隔時 間設置長些) Abnormal disconnection XX seconds on the line: When the abnormal disconnection, the plug-in will automatically set interval of time on-line (recommended users to set up a longer time interval)
B. 休息/停止休息 B. break / rest stop
HP<***%或MP<***%時休息:當人物的HP或MP達到其中的一個設定值時將自動休息. HP <***% or MP <***% at rest: When the HP or MP who meet one of the settings will automatically break.
HP>***%并且MP>***%時停止休息:當人物休息恢復HP/MP達到設定值后將會停止休息,進行打怪. HP >***% MP >***% when to stop and rest: When people break the resumption HP / MP to set value will stop after the break, Daguai.
C. 物品/技能保護 C. items / skills to protect
HP/MP<***%時使用____延時**秒:當人物的HP/MP低于設定值時使用HP/MP藥水或使用HP恢復技能幫組人物恢復. HP / MP <***% the use of ____ delay ** seconds: When the people HP / MP below the set value of the use of HP / MP syrup or use HP restoration skills to help people restore group.
02.攻击策略 02. Attack strategy

A. 攻擊策略 A. attack strategy
攻擊中使用1,2,3,4 ______當自己HP>__%,MP__%,延時_秒:使用技能攻擊的設定,可做HP,MP,延時等設定 . 1,2,3,4 ______ used in the attack when their HP >__%, MP__%, _ second delay: the use of offensive skills of settings, do HP, MP, delay, and other settings.
03.怪物設置1 03. Set up a monster

A. 打怪半徑__步:設置打怪範圍的大小(在"以初始挂機點位中心"和"以指定點為中心"兩种情況 下有效) A. Daguai radius __ steps: setting the size of the Daguai (in the "hang up the initial point to the centres" and "designated as the center point" both cases effective)
Z坐標限制__步:對選怪的Z坐標(即高度)做限制 Z coordinates restrictions __ step: the strange election, the Z coordinates (height) do limit
以初始挂機點位中心:以登陸遊戲時的坐標點為打怪範圍的中心點 The initial point to hang up the centres: the game when landing point for the coordinates of the center Daguai
以指定點為中心:以指定的點為打怪範圍的中心點 To specify the points for the Center: to specify the points of the focal point for Daguai
04.怪物設置2 04. Monster set 2

A. 攻擊設定 A. attack set
顯示周圍:當人物在野外地圖時選中此功能將在列表內顯示人物周圍的怪信息 Show that around: When the figures in the field map, this feature will be selected in the list of figures show that around the strange information
顯示所有:顯示游戲內所有怪物的信息 Show all: the game show of all the information monster
顯示已設置:顯示用戶更改過的怪物信息. Show has been set up: a show that the user changes the monster information.
主動怪/群攻怪:當列表內出現怪物信息后,選中怪物信息即可設定怪物是否是主動怪/群攻怪 Active strange / group attacking strange: When a monster list of information, check the information to set monster monster whether the initiative is strange / group attacking strange
攻擊選項:設定怪物的處理方式 Attack options: setting monster treatment
B.其他 B. Other
不搶怪:不打其他家族攻擊的怪(和自己組隊的隊友除外) Not Qiangguai: do not fight the strange attacks on other family (and his teammates except for the team)
打怪超時時間:如果選擇要攻擊的怪物后在設定的時間内都沒有攻擊到怪物,會自動重新選擇怪物. Daguai overtime: If you choose to attack the monster after the set time did not attack the monster, the monster will be automatically re-select.
諾__秒內未殺怪:在打怪過程中可能出現異常,導致很長時間都殺不到怪,可用此選項處理這種情 況. Connaught __ seconds of Shaguai: Daguai may arise in the course of abnormal, leading to a very long time have killed less than strange, this option is available to address the situation.
05.物品設定 05. Articles set

A.物品處理設定 A. articles dealing with set
當前包裹:顯示人物包裹內的物品 The current package: figures show that the package of goods
所有物品:顯示游戲內所有物品 All items: the game show of all the items
已設置物品:顯示設置過的物品 Items have been set: set up a display of items
撿:設定此种物品是否撿取 The haul: Set whether the seizure of such items
不處理:不做任何處理 Does not deal with: not to deal with any
刪除掉:設置選定的物品撿拾好刪除 Removed: Set a good pick up selected items to delete
賣商店:設置選定的物品直接販賣給NPC Shops selling: Set the direct sale of selected items to the NPC
存倉庫:設置選定的物品存倉庫 Of storage: Setting up of selected items of storage
06.回城設置 06. Settings back to the city

A. 自動回城和返回掛機點 A. automatically returned to the city and return to hang up points
當武器耐久值<____自動回城:當武器的耐久低于設定值則自動回城 When the value of <____ automatic weapons and durable return to the city: When the weapons of durable than the value automatically set back the city
當包裹格子數>____自動回城:當包裹格子數大于設定值則自動回城 When several parcels lattice >____ automatically returned to the city: When checked several parcels larger than the value automatically set back the city
回城或死亡后自動運行腳本:本程序有自帶腳本,在外掛資料夾內的Script資料夾中提供腳本(注:如果沒 有設置腳本,人物回城后也會自動運行腳本) Back to the city or run automatically after the death of the script: This procedure has its own scripts, plug-in folder in the Script folder provide the script (Note: If there are no set script, characters will be automatically returned to the city after running script)
B.取物品/買物品 B. take items / buy goods
存物品/賣物品:回城后將設定物品的物品存倉庫或賣商店 Of the goods / selling items: the city will set back the goods or goods of warehouse stores selling
取物品/買物品:設定回城后需要取得的物品,可以選擇從倉庫那裏取出,也可以選擇從商店購買以及數量 For the goods / buy goods: Set back to the city after the required items, you can choose from a warehouse where removed, can also choose to buy from stores and the number of
Download Here

(ps - im still working on the actual getting the bot running, as i cant find a guide for starting bot,,youl see what i mean when you get it, so maybe if somone works it out, tell me )