00:38:31 -> XTrapDispel 1.0 - Initializing...
00:38:31 -> SYSTEM: MVE: 6 SVE: 1 BLD: 7600 SPA:
00:38:31 -> Vectored exception handling initiated!
00:38:31 -> Running 32-bit platform!
00:38:31 -> Startup argument: 'husky'
00:38:31 -> Game PID: 0E30
00:38:31 -> GMH: CabalMain.exe -> 00400000
00:38:31 -> GMH: XPva03.dll -> 73650000
00:38:31 -> GMH: kernel32.dll -> 76C20000
00:38:31 -> GMH: ddraw.dll -> 68CA0000
00:38:31 -> GPA: DDC -> 68CA859D
00:38:31 -> XCU hook initiated!
00:38:31 -> GPA: EXP -> 76C72ACF
00:38:31 -> EXP hook initiated!
00:38:31 -> Thread terminated! ID: 0CC4
00:38:31 -> Thread created! ID: 0BA0
00:38:32 -> XCU hook removed!
00:38:32 -> Client code is unpacked!
00:38:32 -> Client code section: VA: 00401000 TS: 00352000
00:38:32 -> Code patched! Signature: 0001
00:38:32 -> Code patched! Signature: 0002
00:38:32 -> Code patched! Signature: 0003
00:39:02 -> Thread created! ID: 0BF4
00:39:02 -> Thread created! ID: 0BAC
00:39:02 -> Thread created! ID: 0DEC
and it says "file is corrupt" and terminate..
im not sure in the argument but the only txt that show after file name in the process explorer is husky.. so i used husky..
when i used different argument like "dreadcabal" it says injection is done but it brings me to the server launcher which means when i press start the xtrap will initiate..
help sir Hellspider...
"by the way... its my daughter's bday!!"